Workflow Details
File Name: WorkQueueAdministratorAndSubscribersNotification_v1.xml
Display Name: WorkQueueAdministratorAndSubscribersNotification
This process is used to send the notification to the administrator and subscribers of the work queue when a task (no supervisor existing for the case submitted for approval) is assigned to the work queue.
Related Pages and Task Information (8)
Subject TextSubject Text ParametersSubject Parameter ValueParameter Value Parameters
Page: Assessment Results (AssessmentDelivery_listAssessmentResults)
%1s%1s=subject%1s integrated case for client(s) %2s requires approval.%1s=integratedCaseName, %2s=concernRoleNameList
%1s%1s=subject%1s service for client(s) %2s requires approval.%1s=serviceDeliveryName, %2s=concernRoleNameList
A task has been assigned to the Work Queue %1s as no supervisor exists for the Case %2s%2s=caseReference, %1s=workQueueName
No Supervisor existing for Case %1s submitted for approval.%1s=caseReference
Page: Add Member (CHIPProduct_addAssistanceGroupMember)
%1s%1s=subject%1s Case %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=productName, %2s=caseReference, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subject%1s Case %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=productName, %2s=caseReference, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subject%1s Case %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=productName, %2s=caseReference, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned reviews for case %1s of type %2s for %3s have been canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned reviews for case %1s of type %2s for %3s have been canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned reviews for case %1s of type %2s for %3s have been canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned role of case owner for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed with a closure date of %4s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed with a closure date of %4s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed with a closure date of %4s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=closureDate
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been set to pending closure on %4s by %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=closureDate, %5s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been set to pending closure on %4s by %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=productName, %4s=closureDate, %5s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been set to pending closure on %4s by %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=closureDate, %5s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectManually Created Task
%1s%1s=subjectManually Created Task
%1s%1s=subjectManually Created Task
%1s%1s=subjectManually Created Task
%1s%1s=subjectOutstanding review for case %1s of type %2s for %3s will be canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectOutstanding review for case %1s of type %2s for %3s will be canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectOutstanding review for case %1s of type %2s for %3s will be canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectRole of case reviewer for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=fullname
%1s%1s=subjectRole of case reviewer for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=fullname
%1s%1s=subjectRole of case reviewer for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=fullname
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
A task has been assigned to the Work Queue %1s as no supervisor exists for the Case %2s%2s=caseReference, %1s=workQueueName
No Supervisor existing for Case %1s submitted for approval.%1s=caseReference
Page: Confirm Benefit Group Member (CHIPProduct_confirmAddBenefitGroupMember)
%1s%1s=subject%1s Case %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=productName, %2s=caseReference, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subject%1s Case %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=productName, %2s=caseReference, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subject%1s Case %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=productName, %2s=caseReference, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned reviews for case %1s of type %2s for %3s have been canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned reviews for case %1s of type %2s for %3s have been canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned reviews for case %1s of type %2s for %3s have been canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned role of case owner for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed with a closure date of %4s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed with a closure date of %4s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=closureDate
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed with a closure date of %4s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been set to pending closure on %4s by %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=productName, %4s=closureDate, %5s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been set to pending closure on %4s by %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=closureDate, %5s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been set to pending closure on %4s by %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=closureDate, %5s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectManually Created Task
%1s%1s=subjectManually Created Task
%1s%1s=subjectManually Created Task
%1s%1s=subjectManually Created Task
%1s%1s=subjectOutstanding review for case %1s of type %2s for %3s will be canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectOutstanding review for case %1s of type %2s for %3s will be canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectOutstanding review for case %1s of type %2s for %3s will be canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectRole of case reviewer for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=fullname
%1s%1s=subjectRole of case reviewer for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=fullname
%1s%1s=subjectRole of case reviewer for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=fullname
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
A task has been assigned to the Work Queue %1s as no supervisor exists for the Case %2s%2s=caseReference, %1s=workQueueName
No Supervisor existing for Case %1s submitted for approval.%1s=caseReference
Page: Remove Member (CHIPProduct_removeAssistanceGroupMember)
%1s%1s=subject%1s Case %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=productName, %2s=caseReference, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subject%1s Case %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=productName, %2s=caseReference, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subject%1s Case %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=productName, %2s=caseReference, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned reviews for case %1s of type %2s for %3s have been canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned reviews for case %1s of type %2s for %3s have been canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned reviews for case %1s of type %2s for %3s have been canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned role of case owner for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed with a closure date of %4s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed with a closure date of %4s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed with a closure date of %4s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=closureDate
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been set to pending closure on %4s by %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=productName, %4s=closureDate, %5s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been set to pending closure on %4s by %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=closureDate, %5s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been set to pending closure on %4s by %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=closureDate, %5s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectManually Created Task
%1s%1s=subjectManually Created Task
%1s%1s=subjectManually Created Task
%1s%1s=subjectManually Created Task
%1s%1s=subjectOutstanding review for case %1s of type %2s for %3s will be canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectOutstanding review for case %1s of type %2s for %3s will be canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectOutstanding review for case %1s of type %2s for %3s will be canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectRole of case reviewer for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=fullname
%1s%1s=subjectRole of case reviewer for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=fullname
%1s%1s=subjectRole of case reviewer for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=fullname
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
A task has been assigned to the Work Queue %1s as no supervisor exists for the Case %2s%2s=caseReference, %1s=workQueueName
No Supervisor existing for Case %1s submitted for approval.%1s=caseReference
Page: Remove Member (CHIPProduct_removeBenefitGroupMember)
%1s%1s=subject%1s Case %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=productName, %2s=caseReference, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subject%1s Case %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=productName, %2s=caseReference, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subject%1s Case %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=productName, %2s=caseReference, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned reviews for case %1s of type %2s for %3s have been canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned reviews for case %1s of type %2s for %3s have been canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned reviews for case %1s of type %2s for %3s have been canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned role of case owner for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed with a closure date of %4s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=closureDate
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed with a closure date of %4s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed with a closure date of %4s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been set to pending closure on %4s by %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=productName, %4s=closureDate, %5s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been set to pending closure on %4s by %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=closureDate, %5s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been set to pending closure on %4s by %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=closureDate, %5s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectManually Created Task
%1s%1s=subjectManually Created Task
%1s%1s=subjectManually Created Task
%1s%1s=subjectManually Created Task
%1s%1s=subjectOutstanding review for case %1s of type %2s for %3s will be canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectOutstanding review for case %1s of type %2s for %3s will be canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectOutstanding review for case %1s of type %2s for %3s will be canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectRole of case reviewer for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=fullname
%1s%1s=subjectRole of case reviewer for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=fullname
%1s%1s=subjectRole of case reviewer for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=fullname
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
A task has been assigned to the Work Queue %1s as no supervisor exists for the Case %2s%2s=caseReference, %1s=workQueueName
No Supervisor existing for Case %1s submitted for approval.%1s=caseReference
Page: Program Summary (Eligibility_createProgram)
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned role of case owner for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectRole of case reviewer for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=fullname
%1s%1s=subjectRole of case reviewer for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=fullname
%1s%1s=subjectRole of case reviewer for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=fullname
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
A task has been assigned to the Work Queue %1s as no supervisor exists for the Case %2s%2s=caseReference, %1s=workQueueName
No Supervisor existing for Case %1s submitted for approval.%1s=caseReference
Page: Complete Agreement (OutcomePlanAgreement_complete)
%1s%1s=subject%1s integrated case for client(s) %2s requires approval.%1s=integratedCaseName, %2s=concernRoleNameList
%1s%1s=subject%1s service for client(s) %2s requires approval.%1s=serviceDeliveryName, %2s=concernRoleNameList
A task has been assigned to the Work Queue %1s as no supervisor exists for the Case %2s%2s=caseReference, %1s=workQueueName
No Supervisor existing for Case %1s submitted for approval.%1s=caseReference
Page: Submit Case For Approval (ProductDelivery_submit)
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
A task has been assigned to the Work Queue %1s as no supervisor exists for the Case %2s%2s=caseReference, %1s=workQueueName
No Supervisor existing for Case %1s submitted for approval.%1s=caseReference
Related Deferred Processes and Task Information (1)
Subject TextSubject Text ParametersSubject Parameter ValueParameter Value Parameters
Deferred Process: ISPDelayedEligibilityAssessment.reassessCase
%1s%1s=subject%1s Case %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=productName, %2s=caseReference, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subject%1s Case %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=productName, %2s=caseReference, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subject%1s Case %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=productName, %2s=caseReference, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned reviews for case %1s of type %2s for %3s have been canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned reviews for case %1s of type %2s for %3s have been canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned reviews for case %1s of type %2s for %3s have been canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned role of case owner for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed with a closure date of %4s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=closureDate
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed with a closure date of %4s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed with a closure date of %4s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been set to pending closure on %4s by %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=closureDate, %5s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been set to pending closure on %4s by %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=closureDate, %5s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been set to pending closure on %4s by %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=productName, %4s=closureDate, %5s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectManually Created Task
%1s%1s=subjectManually Created Task
%1s%1s=subjectManually Created Task
%1s%1s=subjectManually Created Task
%1s%1s=subjectOutstanding review for case %1s of type %2s for %3s will be canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectOutstanding review for case %1s of type %2s for %3s will be canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectOutstanding review for case %1s of type %2s for %3s will be canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectRole of case reviewer for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=fullname
%1s%1s=subjectRole of case reviewer for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=fullname
%1s%1s=subjectRole of case reviewer for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=fullname
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
A task has been assigned to the Work Queue %1s as no supervisor exists for the Case %2s%2s=caseReference, %1s=workQueueName
No Supervisor existing for Case %1s submitted for approval.%1s=caseReference