Workflow Details
File Name: NoSupervisorExistsForCaseApprovalTask_v1.xml
Display Name: NoSupervisorExistsForCaseApprovalTask
This process is used to send a task to a work queue if there is no supervisor existing for the case submitted for approval.
Related Pages and Task Information (8)
Subject TextSubject Text ParametersSubject Parameter ValueParameter Value Parameters
Page: Assessment Results (AssessmentDelivery_listAssessmentResults)
%1s%1s=subject%1s integrated case for client(s) %2s requires approval.%1s=integratedCaseName, %2s=concernRoleNameList
%1s%1s=subject%1s service for client(s) %2s requires approval.%1s=serviceDeliveryName, %2s=concernRoleNameList
A task has been assigned to the Work Queue %1s as no supervisor exists for the Case %2s%2s=caseReference, %1s=workQueueName
No Supervisor existing for Case %1s submitted for approval.%1s=caseReference
Page: Add Member (CHIPProduct_addAssistanceGroupMember)
%1s%1s=subject%1s Case %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=productName, %2s=caseReference, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subject%1s Case %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=productName, %2s=caseReference, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subject%1s Case %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=productName, %2s=caseReference, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned reviews for case %1s of type %2s for %3s have been canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned reviews for case %1s of type %2s for %3s have been canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned reviews for case %1s of type %2s for %3s have been canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned role of case owner for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed with a closure date of %4s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed with a closure date of %4s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed with a closure date of %4s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=closureDate
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been set to pending closure on %4s by %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=closureDate, %5s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been set to pending closure on %4s by %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=productName, %4s=closureDate, %5s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been set to pending closure on %4s by %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=closureDate, %5s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectManually Created Task
%1s%1s=subjectManually Created Task
%1s%1s=subjectManually Created Task
%1s%1s=subjectManually Created Task
%1s%1s=subjectOutstanding review for case %1s of type %2s for %3s will be canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectOutstanding review for case %1s of type %2s for %3s will be canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectOutstanding review for case %1s of type %2s for %3s will be canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectRole of case reviewer for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=fullname
%1s%1s=subjectRole of case reviewer for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=fullname
%1s%1s=subjectRole of case reviewer for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=fullname
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
A task has been assigned to the Work Queue %1s as no supervisor exists for the Case %2s%2s=caseReference, %1s=workQueueName
No Supervisor existing for Case %1s submitted for approval.%1s=caseReference
Page: Confirm Benefit Group Member (CHIPProduct_confirmAddBenefitGroupMember)
%1s%1s=subject%1s Case %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=productName, %2s=caseReference, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subject%1s Case %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=productName, %2s=caseReference, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subject%1s Case %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=productName, %2s=caseReference, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned reviews for case %1s of type %2s for %3s have been canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned reviews for case %1s of type %2s for %3s have been canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned reviews for case %1s of type %2s for %3s have been canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned role of case owner for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed with a closure date of %4s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed with a closure date of %4s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=closureDate
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed with a closure date of %4s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been set to pending closure on %4s by %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=productName, %4s=closureDate, %5s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been set to pending closure on %4s by %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=closureDate, %5s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been set to pending closure on %4s by %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=closureDate, %5s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectManually Created Task
%1s%1s=subjectManually Created Task
%1s%1s=subjectManually Created Task
%1s%1s=subjectManually Created Task
%1s%1s=subjectOutstanding review for case %1s of type %2s for %3s will be canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectOutstanding review for case %1s of type %2s for %3s will be canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectOutstanding review for case %1s of type %2s for %3s will be canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectRole of case reviewer for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=fullname
%1s%1s=subjectRole of case reviewer for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=fullname
%1s%1s=subjectRole of case reviewer for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=fullname
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
A task has been assigned to the Work Queue %1s as no supervisor exists for the Case %2s%2s=caseReference, %1s=workQueueName
No Supervisor existing for Case %1s submitted for approval.%1s=caseReference
Page: Remove Member (CHIPProduct_removeAssistanceGroupMember)
%1s%1s=subject%1s Case %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=productName, %2s=caseReference, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subject%1s Case %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=productName, %2s=caseReference, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subject%1s Case %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=productName, %2s=caseReference, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned reviews for case %1s of type %2s for %3s have been canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned reviews for case %1s of type %2s for %3s have been canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned reviews for case %1s of type %2s for %3s have been canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned role of case owner for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed with a closure date of %4s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed with a closure date of %4s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed with a closure date of %4s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=closureDate
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been set to pending closure on %4s by %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=productName, %4s=closureDate, %5s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been set to pending closure on %4s by %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=closureDate, %5s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been set to pending closure on %4s by %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=closureDate, %5s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectManually Created Task
%1s%1s=subjectManually Created Task
%1s%1s=subjectManually Created Task
%1s%1s=subjectManually Created Task
%1s%1s=subjectOutstanding review for case %1s of type %2s for %3s will be canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectOutstanding review for case %1s of type %2s for %3s will be canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectOutstanding review for case %1s of type %2s for %3s will be canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectRole of case reviewer for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=fullname
%1s%1s=subjectRole of case reviewer for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=fullname
%1s%1s=subjectRole of case reviewer for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=fullname
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
A task has been assigned to the Work Queue %1s as no supervisor exists for the Case %2s%2s=caseReference, %1s=workQueueName
No Supervisor existing for Case %1s submitted for approval.%1s=caseReference
Page: Remove Member (CHIPProduct_removeBenefitGroupMember)
%1s%1s=subject%1s Case %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=productName, %2s=caseReference, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subject%1s Case %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=productName, %2s=caseReference, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subject%1s Case %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=productName, %2s=caseReference, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned reviews for case %1s of type %2s for %3s have been canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned reviews for case %1s of type %2s for %3s have been canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned reviews for case %1s of type %2s for %3s have been canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned role of case owner for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed with a closure date of %4s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=closureDate
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed with a closure date of %4s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed with a closure date of %4s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been set to pending closure on %4s by %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=productName, %4s=closureDate, %5s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been set to pending closure on %4s by %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=closureDate, %5s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been set to pending closure on %4s by %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=closureDate, %5s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectManually Created Task
%1s%1s=subjectManually Created Task
%1s%1s=subjectManually Created Task
%1s%1s=subjectManually Created Task
%1s%1s=subjectOutstanding review for case %1s of type %2s for %3s will be canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectOutstanding review for case %1s of type %2s for %3s will be canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectOutstanding review for case %1s of type %2s for %3s will be canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectRole of case reviewer for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=fullname
%1s%1s=subjectRole of case reviewer for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=fullname
%1s%1s=subjectRole of case reviewer for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=fullname
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
A task has been assigned to the Work Queue %1s as no supervisor exists for the Case %2s%2s=caseReference, %1s=workQueueName
No Supervisor existing for Case %1s submitted for approval.%1s=caseReference
Page: Program Summary (Eligibility_createProgram)
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned role of case owner for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectRole of case reviewer for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=fullname
%1s%1s=subjectRole of case reviewer for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=fullname
%1s%1s=subjectRole of case reviewer for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=fullname
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
A task has been assigned to the Work Queue %1s as no supervisor exists for the Case %2s%2s=caseReference, %1s=workQueueName
No Supervisor existing for Case %1s submitted for approval.%1s=caseReference
Page: Complete Agreement (OutcomePlanAgreement_complete)
%1s%1s=subject%1s integrated case for client(s) %2s requires approval.%1s=integratedCaseName, %2s=concernRoleNameList
%1s%1s=subject%1s service for client(s) %2s requires approval.%1s=serviceDeliveryName, %2s=concernRoleNameList
A task has been assigned to the Work Queue %1s as no supervisor exists for the Case %2s%2s=caseReference, %1s=workQueueName
No Supervisor existing for Case %1s submitted for approval.%1s=caseReference
Page: Submit Case For Approval (ProductDelivery_submit)
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
A task has been assigned to the Work Queue %1s as no supervisor exists for the Case %2s%2s=caseReference, %1s=workQueueName
No Supervisor existing for Case %1s submitted for approval.%1s=caseReference
Related Deferred Processes and Task Information (1)
Subject TextSubject Text ParametersSubject Parameter ValueParameter Value Parameters
Deferred Process: ISPDelayedEligibilityAssessment.reassessCase
%1s%1s=subject%1s Case %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=productName, %2s=caseReference, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subject%1s Case %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=productName, %2s=caseReference, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subject%1s Case %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=productName, %2s=caseReference, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned reviews for case %1s of type %2s for %3s have been canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned reviews for case %1s of type %2s for %3s have been canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned reviews for case %1s of type %2s for %3s have been canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectAssigned role of case owner for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed with a closure date of %4s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=closureDate
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed with a closure date of %4s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed with a closure date of %4s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been set to pending closure on %4s by %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=closureDate, %5s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been set to pending closure on %4s by %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=closureDate, %5s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s has been set to pending closure on %4s by %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=productName, %4s=closureDate, %5s=userName
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subjectCase %1s of type %2s for %3s was approved by %4s on %5s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=userName, %5s=currentTime
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectCase review task created for case %1s of type %2s for %3s.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectManually Created Task
%1s%1s=subjectManually Created Task
%1s%1s=subjectManually Created Task
%1s%1s=subjectManually Created Task
%1s%1s=subjectOutstanding review for case %1s of type %2s for %3s will be canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectOutstanding review for case %1s of type %2s for %3s will be canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectOutstanding review for case %1s of type %2s for %3s will be canceled%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName
%1s%1s=subjectRole of case reviewer for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=fullname
%1s%1s=subjectRole of case reviewer for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=fullname
%1s%1s=subjectRole of case reviewer for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s has been closed.%1s=caseReference, %2s=productName, %3s=concernRoleName, %4s=fullname
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has multiple bank accounts and a bank account must first be selected for use within the case.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectThe Case %1s could not be approved as the Nominee %2s has no bank account.%1s=caseReference, %2s=nomineeName
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
A task has been assigned to the Work Queue %1s as no supervisor exists for the Case %2s%2s=caseReference, %1s=workQueueName
No Supervisor existing for Case %1s submitted for approval.%1s=caseReference