Workflow Details
File Name: ManualApproveServicePlan_v1.xml
Creates a task for the supervisor of the case owner of a service plan when a service plan has been submitted for approval, to inform the supervisor to review the service plan and determine if the service plan should be approved or rejected.
Related Pages and Task Information (1)
Subject TextSubject Text ParametersSubject Parameter ValueParameter Value Parameters
Page: Submit Service Plan (ServicePlanDelivery_submit)
%1s%1s=subjectThe Plan Item %1s has been %2s.%1s=plannedItemName, %2s=planItemStatus
%1s%1s=subjectThe Plan Item %1s has been %2s.%1s=planItemName, %2s=planItemStatus
%1s%1s=subjectThe Plan Item %1s has been %2s.%1s=plannedItemName, %2s=planItemStatus
%1s%1s=subjectThis Service Plan has been approved.
%1s%1s=subjectThis Service Plan has been approved.
%1s%1s=subjectThis Service Plan has been approved.
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
%1s%1s=subjectYou have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.%1s=planItemName, %2s=caseReference
Approve Planned Item
Approve Service Plan