This page allows you to view the data of a List Workflow Data Object instance. Workflow Data Objects are mapped to any item in a workflow that requires some data to be passed into or out of it. This includes activities, transition conditions, loop conditions, parameters such as task subject parameters, etc. In order for a workflow process definition to be valid, the flow of data must be defined appropriately.
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IndexRECORD_COUNTThis is the index of the item from the List Workflow Data Object instance.No
NamePROCESS_INSTANCE_DATA_ITEMThis is the name of a data item used throughout the lifetime of a Process instance. For example it could be case reference, participant ID or any other piece of data that may be required/used during the process instance. This is populated from the Workflow Data Object (WDO).No
ValuePROCESS_INSTANCE_DATA_VALUEThis is the value of the data item. Again this is populated from the Workflow Data Object (WDO). The WDO contains name, value pairs for all data to be used during the lifetime of the Process Instance. By parsing these name, value pairs we get a list of the data to be used. Therefore the data item and data value listing on this page corresponds to the WDO name, value pairs.No
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MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
An error occurred creating an object from the given XML string.LinkNo
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Technical Information
Page IDWorkflowAdministration_viewInstanceDataForOneListWDO
Page Load InterfaceWorkflowAdministration.viewInstanceDataForOneListWDO
Page Submit Interface
Linked From PagesView Process Instance (WorkflowAdministration_viewErrorProcessInstance), View Process Instance (WorkflowAdministration_viewProcessInstance), WorkflowAdministration_viewProcessInstanceByProcessDetails