This page allows you to search for a process instance.
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Process Instance Criteria
End DateCURAM_DATETIMEThe end date of the processNo
Resolution StatusPROCESS_FAILURE_MESSAGE_STATUSThe status of the failed messageNo
Process Name
Process Instances List
NamePROCESS_DEFINITION_DISPLAY_NAMEThe name of the process instance.No
TypePROCESS_INSTANCE_ERROR_TYPEThe type of the process instance. It is either the workflow process or deferred process.No
Instance IDPROCESS_INSTANCE_IDThe ID of the process instance.No
Failure TypePROCESS_FAILURE_TEXTThe failure type of the process instance.No
Failure TimeCURAM_DATETIMEThe failure time of the process instance.No
Resolution StatusPROCESS_FAILURE_MESSAGE_STATUSThe status of the failed messageNo
Links and Actions
Page Level Actions
Mark All Deferred as Resolved
ResetClears the search criteria fields and removes any rows in the search results list.
SearchThis takes the search criteria specified and uses it to find workflow process instances.
Row Level Actions for: Process Instances List
RetryThis opens the Retry Message page.
AbortThis opens the Abort Message page.
Abort All by Process NameThis opens the Abort all Messages Confirmation page.
Retry All by Process NameThis opens the Retry all Messages Confirmation page.
Mark as ResolvedThis opens the Mark Deferred Process As Resolved Confirmation page.
When page is loaded
When page is submitted
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
An error occurred creating an object from the given XML string.LinkNo
An error occurred instantiating a primitive type wrapper for the type %1s.LinkNo
An error occurred loading the process definition XML document.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
A workflow data object defined by the workflow engine.LinkNo
Cannot find the default locale for this localized text.LinkNo
Enacting UserLinkNo
Enactment TimeLinkNo
Incorrect process instance error status value %1s is used.LinkNo
Incorrect process instance error status value %1s is used.LinkNo
Process Instance IDLinkNo
Runtime InformationLinkNo
The amount of deferred process errors returned <%1s> and the number of workflow process errors returned <%2s> have exceeded their maximum thresholds <%3s> and <%4s> respectively. Please provide additional search criteria.LinkNo
The amount of deferred process errors returned <%1s> has exceeded the upper threshold set for this search in the application <%2s> . Please provide additional search criteria.LinkNo
The amount of workflow process errors returned <%1s> has exceeded the upper threshold set for this search in the application <%2s> . Please provide additional search criteria.LinkNo
The amount of workflow process returned <%1s> has exceeded the upper threshold set for this search in the application <%2s> . Please provide additional search criteria.LinkNo
The attribute %1s of the %2s workflow data object could not be found on this instance.LinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
The process start date time must not be later than the from date time.LinkNo
The released workflow process definition %1s with identifier %2n and version %3n is invalid. The validation error is %4sLinkNo
The type %1s specified for the attribute %2s is unknown.LinkNo
The workflow data object named %1s could not be found in the process definition %2s.LinkNo
The workflow process definition %1s cannot be found.LinkNo
The workflow process definition is invalid against the schema. The schema error is %1sLinkNo
The XML Binding API cannot be invoked as the classesToBeBound parameter is empty.LinkNo
Unable to unmarshal the data for the class '%1s'. The error message is '%2s'.LinkNo
Related Entities
Technical Information
Page IDWorkflowAdministration_processInstanceErrorsSearchByProcessDetails
Page Load Interface
Page Submit InterfaceWorkflowAdministration.processInstanceErrorsSearchByProcessDetails
Linked From PagesWorkflowAdministration_processInstanceErrorsSearchByProcessDetails