This page allows you to view a task definition.
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Task Definition IDTASK_DEFINITION_IDID used to create tasks of this type. This ID is hard coded into the application.No
Administration SIDADMINISTRATION_SIDAdministration security identifier that designates administration rights for this task definition.No
Manual Forward AllowedCURAM_INDICATORThis field indicates whether not a user who reserves a task of this task type is allowed to forward that task to a different user, work queue, position, job, or organization unit.No
Allocation Strategy
TypeALLOCATION_STRATEGY_CODEAllocation strategy type. This field indicates how tasks for this task definition are allocated. There are four allocation strategy types: Manual, Allocation Target, Function, and Rule Set. If Manual is displayed, tasks are allocated manually by a user. If Allocation Target is displayed, tasks are allocated based on a selected allocation strategy. If Function is displayed, tasks are allocated based on a selected function. If Rule Set is displayed, tasks are allocated based on a selected rule set.No
Allocation NameALLOCATOR_FUNCTION_NAMEName of the above-mentioned allocation strategy type. If the allocation strategy type is Manual, this field displays Manual. If the allocation strategy type is Rule Set, this field displays the rule set name. You can access the Rule Set Details page by clicking on the rule set name. If the allocation strategy type is Function, this field displays the function name. You can access the Function Details page by clicking on the function name. If the allocation strategy type is Allocation Target, this field displays the allocation target name. You can access the Allocation Target Details page by clicking on the allocation target name.No
Deadline Strategy
FunctionALLOCATOR_FUNCTION_NAMEIf a deadline strategy function is specified for tasks for this task definition, the function name is displayed. You can access the Function Details page by clicking on the function name.No
Deadline Override AllowedCURAM_INDICATORThis field indicates whether or not the user is allowed to change the deadline strategy for a task associated with the task definition.No
Time Out IntervalDATETIME_STRINGPeriod of time before the deadline strategy is invoked.No
Action Page
Page NameACTION_PAGE_NAMEName of the page the action is invoked on.No
DescriptionACTIONPAGE_NAME_CODEPage description, e.g. approve case or schedule hearing.No
Case ID Parameter NameCASE_ID_PARAMETER_NAMEName of the UIM parameter within the action page that defines the parameter representing the case ID.No
Participant ID Parameter NamePARTICIPANT_ID_PARAMETER_NAMEName of the UIM parameter within the action page that defines the parameter representing the participant ID.No
Links and Actions
Page Level Actions
DeleteYou can press the Delete button to delete the task definition.
When page is loaded
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
%1s: %2s: %3sLinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
When page is submitted
Related Entities
When page is loaded
When page is submitted
Technical Information
Page IDWorkAllocation_viewTaskDefinition
LocationC:\Users\david\dev\src\esystems-inc\Curam_V8_IS\webclient\components\core\Work Allocation\Task Definition\WorkAllocation_viewTaskDefinition.uim
Page Load InterfaceWorkAllocation.readTaskDefinitionDetails
Page Submit Interface
Linked From PagesTask Definitions (WorkAllocation_listTaskDefinition), Modify Task Definition: (WorkAllocation_modifyTaskDefinitionFromView)