This page allows you to modify a task definition from view. Task definitions determine how tasks for that task definition are allocated.
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Page Flow Diagram
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Task Definition IDTASK_DEFINITION_IDTask definition ID used to create tasks of this type cannot be modified.No
NameTASK_DEFINITION_NAMETask definition name.Yes
CategoryCATEGORY_CODETask definition category from the drop-down list of categories used to sort task types. Your system administrator can add a new category via the Code Tables page (see "Code Tables" in the Cúram Administration Guide).Yes
Administration SIDADMINISTRATION_SIDAdministration security identifier that designates administration rights for this task definition. Note that any user with this SID as part of their security role can manage this task definitionNo
Manual Forward AllowedCURAM_INDICATORIf a user is allowed to forward a task associated with the task definition to a different user, work queue, position, job, or organization unit, select the Manual Forward Allowed selection box.No
Allocation Strategy
TypeALLOCATION_STRATEGY_CODEAllocation strategy type from the drop-down list of allocation strategy types. There are four allocation strategy types: Manual, Allocation Target, Function, and Rule Set. If tasks are allocated manually by a user, select Manual from the drop-down list. If tasks are allocated based on a selected allocation target, select Allocation Target from the drop-down list. If you select the Allocation Target strategy type, you must select the target by pressing the Search button in the Allocation Target field below. If tasks are allocated based on a selected function, select Function from the drop-down list. If you select the Function strategy type, you must select the function by pressing the Search button in the Allocation Strategy Function field below. If tasks are allocated based on a selected rule set, select Rule Set from the drop-down list. If you select the rule set strategy type, you must select the rule set by pressing the Search button in the Allocation Strategy Rule Set field below.Yes
Rule SetWORK_ALLOCATION_RULESET_IDIf you select the Rule Set allocation strategy type, you must select the work allocation strategy rule set. To select a rule set, press the Search button to open the Work Allocation Rule Sets pop-up window. Click the Select link on the appropriate row from the list of work allocation rule sets displayed.No
FunctionALLOCATOR_FUNCTION_INITIAL_IDIf you select the Function allocation strategy type, you must select the work allocation strategy function. To select a function, press the Search button to open the Allocation Strategy Functions pop-up window. Click the Select link on the appropriate row from the list of allocation strategy functions displayed. The functions displayed are assigned the allocation strategy function type.No
Allocation TargetALLOCATION_TARGET_IDIf you select the Allocation Target allocation strategy type, you must select the allocation target. To select an allocation target, press the Search button to open the Allocation Targets pop-up window. Click the Select link on the appropriate row from the list of allocation targets displayed.No
Deadline Strategy
FunctionALLOCATOR_FUNCTION_DEADLINE_IDIf you select the Function allocation strategy type, you must select the work allocation strategy function. To select a function, press the Search button to open the Allocation Strategy Functions pop-up window. Click the Select link on the appropriate row from the list of allocation strategy functions displayed. The functions displayed are assigned the allocation strategy function type.No
Deadline Override AllowedCURAM_INDICATORIf users are permitted to change the deadline for a task associated with the task definition, select the Deadline Override Allowed selection box. Note that if this selection box is selected, the system allows the users to override the deadline.No
DaysNUMBER_OF_DAYSNumber of days that defines the deadline. The deadline is the period of time after a task is created during which a user must reserve the task. If this period of time is exceeded, the deadline strategy function is invoked. Note that this period of time is measured in days, hours, and minutes.No
HoursNUMBER_OF_HOURSNumber of hours that defines the deadline.No
MinutesNUMBER_OF_MINUTESNumber of minutes that defines the deadline.No
Action Page
Page NameACTION_PAGE_NAMEName of the application page that users who have reserved the task invoke the task from. For example, the schedule hearing task is performed from the Hearing Case Home page.No
DescriptionACTIONPAGE_NAME_CODEPage description for the above-mentioned page name from the drop-down list of descriptions, e.g. approve case or schedule hearing.No
Case ID Parameter NameCASE_ID_PARAMETER_NAMEName of the UIM parameter within the action page that defines the parameter representing the case ID. Note that you must enter the exact name of the parameter.No
Participant ID Parameter NamePARTICIPANT_ID_PARAMETER_NAMEName of the UIM parameter within the action page that defines the parameter representing the participant ID. Note that you must enter the exact name of the parameter.No
CommentsCOMMENTSUser comments on this record.No
Links and Actions
Page Level Actions
CancelThe Cancel action dismisses the page.
SaveThe Save action updates the record using the information entered on the page.
When page is loaded
When page is submitted
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
A deadline function must be selected as a deadline timeout period has been specified.LinkNo
A deadline timeout interval must be entered when the override indicator has been set to true .LinkNo
A function must be selected as the strategy specified is Allocation Function.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
A page description must be entered as a page name has been specified.LinkNo
A page name must be entered as a page description has been specified.LinkNo
A rule set must be selected as the strategy specified is Rule Set.LinkNo
A target must be selected as the strategy specified is Allocation Target.LinkNo
Number of hours cannot exceed 23.LinkNo
Number of minutes cannot exceed 59.LinkNo
The allocation strategy must be entered.LinkNo
The case parameter name should not contain spaces.LinkNo
The category must be entered.LinkNo
The page name should not contain spaces.LinkNo
The participant parameter name should not contain spaces.LinkNo
The task definition identifier must be entered.LinkNo
Timeout interval must be specified if a deadline function is selected.LinkNo
You cannot associate a system allocation strategy with an allocation strategy of manual.LinkNo
Related Entities
Technical Information
Page IDWorkAllocation_modifyTaskDefinitionFromView
LocationC:\Users\david\dev\src\esystems-inc\Curam_V8_IS\webclient\components\core\Work Allocation\Task Definition\WorkAllocation_modifyTaskDefinitionFromView.uim
Page Load InterfaceWorkAllocation.readTaskDefinitionForModificationDetails
Page Submit InterfaceWorkAllocation.modifyTaskDefinition
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