Details |
Label | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Name | WIZARD_PRODUCT_NAME | Name of the liability product. | No |
Type | WIZARD_PRODUCT_TYPE | Liability product type, e.g., liability overpayment, employer bill. | No |
Start Date | CURAM_DATE | Start date of the period during which the liability product is offered by the organization. | No |
End Date | CURAM_DATE | Last date of the period during which the liability product is offered by the organization. This field is blank when the liability product is offered indefinitely. | No |
Eligibility Determination Details |
Label | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Allow Open Ended Cases | ALLOW_OPEN_ENDED_CASES | This field indicates whether products can leave their end date blank. | No |
Decision Summary Display Strategy | DETERMINATION_INTERVAL_SUMMARIZER_STRATEGY | Decision Summary Display Strategy | No |
Determination Comparison Strategy | DETERMINATION_COMPARISON_STRATEGY | Determination Comparison Strategy, e.g. all user-facing data, eligibility and entitlement data only | No |
Reassessment Strategy | PRODUCT_REASSESSMENT_STRATEGY | Indicates the type of strategy to use when deciding whether a product delivery case should be automatically reassessed. | No |
Eligible Participant Types |
Label | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Person | CURAM_INDICATOR | This field indicates whether or not a person participant type is eligible for the liability product. Select this selection box if the person participant type is eligible for this liability product. | No |
Information Provider | CURAM_INDICATOR | This field indicates whether or not an information provider participant type is eligible for the liability product. Select this selection box if the information provider participant type is eligible for this liability product. | No |
Employer | CURAM_INDICATOR | This field indicates whether or not an information provider participant type is eligible for the liability product. Select this selection box if the information provider participant type is eligible for this liability product. | No |
Service Supplier | CURAM_INDICATOR | This field indicates whether or not a service supplier participant type is eligible for the liability product. Select this selection box if the service supplier participant type is eligible for this liability product. | No |
Utility | CURAM_INDICATOR | This field indicates whether or not a utility participant type is eligible for the liability product. Select this selection box if the utility participant type is eligible for this liability product. | No |
Product Provider | CURAM_INDICATOR | This field indicates whether or not a product provider participant type is eligible for the liability product. Select this selection box if the product provider participant type is eligible for this liability product. | No |
Description |
Label | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Description | DESCRIPTION | | No |
Billing Pattern |
Label | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Name | NAME | Product billing pattern name. This name distinguishes the billing pattern from the list of product billing patterns. | No |
From Date | CURAM_DATE | Start date of the period during which the billing pattern details are valid for the product. | No |
Default Pattern | CURAM_INDICATOR | This field displays whether or not the billing pattern is the default billing pattern. | No |
Cover Pattern | PRODUCT_COVER_PERIOD_CODE | Default financial scheduling period for the billing pattern. | No |
Billing Method | METHOD_OF_DELIVERY_CODE | Billing method, e.g.Invoice | No |
Billing Frequency | FREQUENCY_PATTERN | Frequency indicating how often financial are issued to the case recipients of the product. | No |
Maximum Amount | CURAM_AMOUNT | Maximum amount for the product billing pattern. | No |
Offset | NUMBER_OF_DAYS | Offset for billing cover patterns of 'issue in advance - N days prior to issue date' and 'issue in advance - on the Nth day of the month prior'. This offset is the numeric value of N. | No |
Product Provision |
Label | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Product Provider | PRODUCT_PROVIDER_NAME | Product Provider Name. | No |
Currency | CODETABLE_CODE | Default value for the product provision currency is the product provider currency. | No |
Start Date | CURAM_DATE | Start date of the period during which the product provision is offered by the product provider. | No |
End Date | CURAM_DATE | Last date of the period during which the product provision is offered by the product provider. | No |
Payment Method | CODETABLE_CODE | Default value for the product provision payment method is the product provider payment method. | No |
Payment Frequency | FREQUENCY_PATTERN | Frequency indicating how often payment is issued to the product provider for the product provider provisions. | No |
Estimated Cost | CURAM_AMOUNT | Estimated cost of the provision at the provision location. Note that a provider may charge different amounts for their provisions at different locations. | No |
Provision Location |
Label | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Location | NAME | Product Provision Location. | No |
Cost | CURAM_AMOUNT | Default value for the product provision currency is the product provider currency. | No |
Start Date | CURAM_DATE | Start date of the period during which the product provision is offered by the product provider at the location. | No |
End Date | CURAM_DATE | Last date of the period during which the product provision is offered by the product provider at the location. | No |
Other Details |
Label | Type | Description | Mandatory |
General |
Label | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Language | LANGUAGE_CODE | Language to be displayed on the materials surrounding this liability product. | No |
Supplier Returns Accepted | CURAM_INDICATOR | This field indicates whether returns by a service supplier to the organization are accepted in respect of a number of participants for whom services have been provided. | No |
Review Frequency | FREQUENCY_PATTERN | Frequency defining how often the cases of this liability product should be reviewed. | No |
Case Home Page | NAME | Case home page format. All case home pages for the liability product use this case home page format. | No |
Display Details |
Label | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Display in My Cases filter | CURAM_INDICATOR | The field indicates whether cases of this benefit type are displayed in the My Cases filter. | No |
Determine Translator Required | CURAM_INDICATOR | Automatically Determine if Translator is Required indicator for integrated case types. | No |
Display in Participant Programs List | CURAM_INDICATOR | The field indicates whether cases of this benefit type are displayed in the participants programs list. | No |
Ownership Strategy | WORKFLOW_PROCESS_NAME | Ownership strategy workflow process which is to be configured for this case type. | No |
Display in Citizen Self Service | CURAM_INDICATOR | The field indicates whether cases of this benefit type are displayed in citizen self service. | No |
Display in Case Search filter | CURAM_INDICATOR | The field indicates whether cases of this benefit type are displayed in the Case Search filter. | No |
Financial Details |
Label | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Over Allocation | CURAM_INDICATOR | This field indicates whether or not to override the allocation indicator for cases of the liability product. This option is specifically geared toward liability payments made to the organization that are over the amount billed to a participant of a liability case. In general, a liability is an estimation to be billed to a participant. For example, a participant is billed a certain amount by the organization for the liability product. The participant might find that they owe more than the amount billed. If you select to over allocate, the participant can send in more than originally billed and this amount, the amount the participant sends to the organization, is read on the system as the correct amount to be applied to the case. If you do not select to over allocate, any time a participant pays over the amount they are billed, the amount paid over the bill can not be applied to the case until reassessment. | No |
Normal Reassessment | CURAM_INDICATOR | By default, all reassessments are reconciled reassessments. To indicate that the reassessment for the liability product should be a normal reassessment, select this selection box. Both a 'normal' and a 'reconcile' reassessment recalculate the invoice sent to a participant based on changing evidence; however, a reconcile reassessment also recalculates the invoice sent to the participant according to the amount previously paid by the participant and according to related payments and receipts. To better understand the difference between normal and reconciled reassessment types, consider the following example comparing the two types. Assume a participant is billed a certain amount each month for a particular liability product; if the product is marked as a 'normal reassessment type', then the participant's future bills are recalculated based solely on their changing evidence. If the product is not marked as a 'normal reassessment type', then the participant's future bills are recalculated based on the participant's evidence, as well as on the details of the participant's previous payment and receipt records on the system. | No |
Adjustment Required | CURAM_INDICATOR | This field indicates whether or not adjustment is required during financial processing. An example of an adjustment is a surcharge; an example of a loan adjustment is the application of interest. If you want the employer bill product to include the calculation of the appropriate surcharges, then select that adjustment is required during financial processing. Likewise, if you want the loan product to include the calculation of the appropriate interest, then select that adjustment is required during financial processing. If you make this selection, the appropriate adjustment values are calculated and added to the invoices issued to the product recipients. | No |
Adjustment Frequency | FREQUENCY_PATTERN | If adjustment is required during financial processing, you must enter the frequency indicating how often the financial component of a liability product is adjusted during a payment period. | No |
Automatic Over Payment Case Processing | CURAM_INDICATOR | To automatically create a case when an under or over payment is discovered during the reassessment of a case governed by the liability product, you must select this selection box. If 'automatic under or over payment processing' is selected, then the application automatically sets up a new over payment case. If it is not selected, then the application notifies a case owner via task notification that an under or over payment has been discovered during reassessment. For liability products, an under payment occurs when the organization under bills a case recipient. An over payment occurs when the organization over bills a case recipient. | No |
Cost |
Label | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Fixed Cost | CURAM_AMOUNT | Fixed cost of the liability product. The estimated cost of a liability product can either be fixed or calculated. | No |
Cost Calculated | CURAM_INDICATOR | This field indicates whether the cost of the liability product is calculated. Note that a 'calculated' estimated cost for the product is based on the values entered into the product evidence. Note also that you do not have to enter an estimated cost. | No |
Certification Details |
Label | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Required | CURAM_INDICATOR | You can indicate whether or not the liability product requires certification. Certification verifies that a case recipient meets the conditions for receipt of a product. | No |
Grace Period | TIME_PERIOD_IN_DAYS | If certification is required, the maximum number of days the case recipient of the liability product has to provide additional certification after the case recipient's latest certification has expired. | No |
Frequency | FREQUENCY_PATTERN | Frequency determining when the case recipient of the liability product must certify the case recipient's product eligibility. Certification verifies that a participant meets the conditions for receipt of a product. | No |
Security Restrictions |
Label | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Create Rights | PRODUCT_SEC_FID_NAME | Option to restrict a user's ability to create cases governed by the liability product. | No |
Maintain Rights | PRODUCT_SEC_FID_NAME | Option to restrict a user's ability to maintain cases governed by the liability product. | No |
Read Rights | PRODUCT_SEC_FID_NAME | Option to restrict a user's ability to read (view) cases governed by the liability product. | No |
Location Security Level | LOCATION_TYPE_CODE | Location based case security can be activated at the product level by selecting the appropriate location type the users are restricted to. | No |
Approve Rights | PRODUCT_SEC_FID_NAME | Option to restrict a user's ability to approve cases governed by the liability product. | No |