This page allows you to maintain tab details including the context panel, smart panel and page parameters associated with a tab.
Page Preview
Page Flow Diagram
Click the diagram to manipulate and zoom. Traverse the diagram using Click-and-Drag motions. Fullscreen
Tab Details
IDUIADMIN_TAB_IDThis specifies the unique identifier for the tab configuration.No
NameUIADMIN_TAB_NAMEThis specifies the name associated with the tab configuration.No
TitleUIADMIN_TAB_TITLEThis specifies the title associated with the tab configuration.No
Context Panel
Page IDUIADMIN_CONTEXT_PANEL_IDThis specifies the client page ID that will be used for the context panel.No
HeightUIADMIN_WINDOW_HEIGHTThis specifies the height that will be used for the window displaying the context panel.No
Smart Panel
Page IDUIADMIN_SMART_PANEL_IDThis specifies the client page ID that will be used for the context panel.No
TitleUIADMIN_CONFIG_TITLEThis specifies the title displayed for the smart panel.No
WidthUIADMIN_WINDOW_WIDTHThis specifies the width in pixels for the window that displays the smart panel.No
CollapsedCURAM_INDICATORSet to true if you want the smart panel collapsed.No
Page Parameters
NameUIADMIN_PAGE_PARAM_NAMEThis specifies the name of the page parameter for the tab.No
Links and Actions
Page Level Actions
Edit Tab DetailsClick the Edit Tab Details link if you want to edit the name and title of the tab.
New Page ParameterClick this link if you want to add a new page parameter to the tab.
Row Level Actions for: Page Parameters
DeleteClick the Delete link if you want to remove a page parameter from the tab.
When page is loaded
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
The tab configuration with ID %1s contains an error.LinkNo
When page is submitted
Technical Information
Page IDTab_home
Page Load InterfaceTab.readDetails
Page Submit Interface
Linked From PagesTabs (Section_tabs), UIAdmin_listAllTabs