This page lists all of the validation errors associated with an IEG script.
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IdentifierIEG_SCRIPT_IDThe identifier of the IEG script definition element that is related to the associated problem. If the element containing the problem does not contain an identifier, the script definition identifier is displayed here.No
ProblemIEG_VALIDATION_ERROR_DESCRIPTIONThe description of each problem associated with the IEG script being validated.No
Links and Actions
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CloseCloses this page and returns to the List IEG Scripts page.
When page is loaded
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
An invalid reference to the parent script '%1s' has been specified in the script '%2s'.LinkNo
A relationship between the scripts '%1s' and '%2s' already exists.LinkNo
A validator has not been specified for the script element of type %1s.LinkNo
Duplicate references to the script '%1s' has been found in the script '%2s'.LinkNo
Duplicate references to the script '%1s' has been found in the scripts '%2s' and '%3s'.LinkNo
Question script with ID '%1s' does not exist.LinkNo
The attribute named '%1s' associated with the entity '%2s' in the IEG script definition is invalid. No such entity attribute relationship exists in the associated datastore schema.LinkNo
The attribute named '%1s' must be present on the entity named '%2s' when a question data is being captured or displayed on a relationship page.LinkNo
The attribute named '%1s' must be present on the entity named '%2s' when relationship data is being captured or displayed.LinkNo
The element ID '%1s' referenced from an edit-link does not exist on the page '%2s'.LinkNo
The end page identifier specified for the add link does not refer to a page in the script.LinkNo
The end page identifier specified for the edit link does not refer to a page in the script.LinkNo
The entity named '%1s' must be present in the datastore schema to allow relationship data to be captured or displayed.LinkNo
The entity named '%1s' specified in the IEG script definition is not present in the associated datastore schema.LinkNo
The identifier must be specified for the script.LinkNo
The IEG script definition can not be validated against the selected schema.LinkNo
The IEG script definition entity relationship between the parent entity named '%1s' and the child entity named '%2s' is invalid. A '%2s' entity cannot have multiple parents when a relationship-page is used.LinkNo
The IEG script definition entity relationship between the parent entity named '%1s' and the child entity named '%2s' is invalid. No such parent child entity relationship exists in the associated datastore schema.LinkNo
The IEG script definition is invalid against the schema. The schema error is %1sLinkNo
The Key Server cache and the Key Server database values are out of sync and therefore this record cannot be inserted. LinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
The question with identifier '%1s' and internal identifier '%2s' has type Boolean and marked as mandatory.It will not be possible to select No as the answer for this question in the player as there will be only one check box selectable.LinkNo
The script contains pages and sections at top-level.LinkNo
The script does not contain any pages.LinkNo
The script ID must be specified.LinkNo
The specified IEG script definition is valid.LinkNo
The specified schema could not be found.LinkNo
The start page attribute for the add link has not been specified.LinkNo
The start page attribute for the edit link has not been specified.LinkNo
The start page identifier specified for the add link does not refer to a page in the script.LinkNo
The start page identifier specified for the edit link does not refer to a page in the script.LinkNo
The subscript %1s' with version '%2s' and type '%3s' does not exist.LinkNo
When page is submitted
Related Entities
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When page is submitted
Technical Information
Page IDSystem_listValidationErrorsForModal
Page Load InterfaceIEGScriptAdmin.validateScript
Page Submit Interface
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