This page allows you to reassign one or more of the cases with associated issues registered during a specified week.
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Page Flow Diagram
Click the diagram to manipulate and zoom. Traverse the diagram using Click-and-Drag motions. Fullscreen
Auto ReassignCURAM_INDICATORTick the Auto Reassign box if you want the system to automatically reassign the case to another user.No
Owner TypeORG_OBJECT_TYPEThe name of the organization object type assigned as owner of the case. The owner may be of type user, position, organization unit or work queue.No
OwnerORGANISATION_OBJECT_REFERENCE_NAMEThe full name of the case owner.No
Number Of IssuesNUMBER_OF_CASESThe number of issues associated with the case.No
StatusCASE_STATUS_CODEThe status is "active", unless the record has been deleted, in which case, the status is "canceled".No
Links and Actions
Page Level Actions
CancelThe Cancel action dismisses the page.
SaveThe Save action reassigns the selected cases with issues to the selected user.
When page is loaded
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
%1s %2s %3s %4sLinkNo
%1s %2s %3s %4sLinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
No security implementation is supported for this transaction type. Please contact an Administrator.LinkNo
System configuration error - Unable to retrieve system user details from the database. Please contact your system administrator.LinkNo
System configuration error - Unable to retrieve system user details from the database. Please contact your system administrator.LinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
Your search has exceeded the maximum limit for the number of records that can returned. Please narrow your search criteria.LinkNo
When page is submitted
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
Related Entities
Technical Information
Page IDSupervisor_reassignCasesWithIssues
Page Load InterfaceMaintainSupervisorCasesWithIssues.listCasesWithIssues, MaintainSupervisorUsers.listSupervisorUsers
Page Submit InterfaceMaintainSupervisorCasesWithIssues.reassignCasesWithIssues
Linked From PagesSupervisor_casesWithIssuesHeatMap, Cases With Issues (Supervisor_casesWithIssuesList)