This page allows you to view base lined planned item details. Plan items are the fundamental building blocks of a Service Plan. They are the benefits, services, and activities that are added to a plan in order to achieve the plan goal. Plan items form the basis of a successful service plan. Each plan item has a desired outcome such as the gaining of full time employment or the completion of a training course. Achieving these desired outcomes is essential to achieving the service plan goal.
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ConcerningCONCERN_ROLE_NAMEThe person to whom the selected planned item is concerned. This participant should be added to the planned item when it is first added to the sub goal - except when the planned item is added from a template.No
SensitivitySENSITIVITY_CODEThis ensures that only users with an equal to or greater sensitivity level than that of the plan item will be able to view the details of that plan item.No
Expected Start DateCURAM_DATEDate the plan item is scheduled to start.No
Expected End DateCURAM_DATEDate the plan item is scheduled to complete.No
Actual Start DateCURAM_DATEDate that the plan item actually started.No
Actual End DateCURAM_DATEDate that the plan item was actually completed.No
Expected OutcomeOUTCOME_NAME_CODEThe desired result. This is the reason for adding the plan item to the service plan.No
OutcomeOUTCOME_ACHIEVED_CODEThis is the result of the plan item. This is determined based on whether the expected outcome of the plan item was achieved. The possible values for the outcome are Attained, Not Attained and Canceled.No
Good CauseGOOD_CAUSE_NAME_CODEA valid reason why a plan participant failed to achieve the expected outcome of a plan item. No
StatusPLANNED_ITEM_STATUS_CODEThe status of the plan item, i.e., "Unapproved", "Not Started", "In Progress" or "Completed". A plan item is submitted when the appropriate user submits the plan item for approval. If the plan item is not approved the status will be set to "Unapproved". Alternatively a plan item is considered to be "Not Started" when the plan item is approved and an actual start date has not been recorded. A plan item is "In Progress" when an actual start date has been recorded but no actual end date has been recorded. A plan item is "Completed" when both an actual start and end date have been recorded.No
Estimated CostOPTIONAL_POSITIVE_MONEYThe desired result. This is the reason for adding the plan item to the service plan.No
Actual CostOPTIONAL_POSITIVE_MONEYThe actual cost to date of the selected basic plan item.No
OwnerUSER_FULL_NAMEThe full name of the user who is responsible for the plan item.No
ResponsibilityUSER_FULL_NAMESpecifies the client or user who is responsible for the plan item.No
Sub-GoalSUBGOAL_NAME_CODEOpens the View Sub-Goals Details page.No
NomineeNOMINEE_NAMEThe Nominee for the planned item.No
Service and Provider Details
ServiceSERVICE_OFFERING_NAMEThe name of the service, e.g. Child Care Infant Full-Time, Community Foster Care, Residential Care or Secure Housing.No
Provider TypePROVIDER_NAMEType of the provider.No
ProviderPROVIDER_NAMEName of the provider.No
Unit of MeasureUNIT_OF_MEASUREThe unit of measure for the service. This could be for example a Place (bed) in a foster home, a Session with a physiotherapist or a Dose of medicine.No
Units AuthorizedAUTHORIZED_UNITSThe number of units of the service that are authorized.No
Units DeliveredUNITS_DELIVEREDThe total units delivered for a plan item. This can either be either of type "Service" or "Custom Service" Plan Item.No
Rate AuthorizedAUTHORIZED_RATEThe stipulated amount per unit that the agency authorizes for payment to a provider for delivering the service to a particular client.No
Frequency PatternFREQUENCY_PATTERNFrequency Pattern of the plan item. This will help in determining the number of Service Authorization Line Items created. No
Total Units AuthorizedTOTAL_UNITS_AUTHORIZEDThe total number of units of the service that are authorized.No
SensitivitySENSITIVITY_CODEThis ensures that only users with an equal to or greater sensitivity level than that of the plan item will be able to view the details of that plan item.No
Referral Reason
Referral ReasonCOMMENTSNo
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MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
No security implementation is supported for this transaction type. Please contact an Administrator.LinkNo
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Technical Information
Page IDServicePlanDelivery_viewBaselinePlanItem
LocationC:\Users\david\dev\src\esystems-inc\Curam_V8_IS\webclient\components\ProviderServicePlan\Service Plan Delivery\Baselines\ServicePlanDelivery_viewBaselinePlanItem.uim
Page Load InterfaceProviderServicePlanDelivery.viewBaselineProviderPlannedItemDetails
Page Submit Interface
Linked From PagesView Baseline Sub-Goal Details (ServicePlanDelivery_viewBaselineSubGoal)