This page allows you to select the client for whom the service plan contract is being issued. This can be either the plan participant or a nominated representative.
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Issue ToCASE_PARTICIPANT_ROLE_IDA drop-down list containing the plan participant and any active and current nominated representatives. The plan participant or nominated representative that the contract will be issued to can be selected from this list. No
Links and Actions
Page Level Actions
CancelThe Cancel action dismisses the page.
NextThe Next action opens the Create Contract page.
When page is loaded
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
%1s %2sLinkNo
%1s %2s (%3n)LinkNo
%1s %2s %3sLinkNo
%1s %2s %3s (%4n)LinkNo
A contract may not be issued for this service plan as there are plan items present on the service plan that require approval.LinkYesbposerviceplancontract.err_serplan_contract_xrv_planitems_still_require_approval|a|
A new contract may not be issued for this service plan as a contract has already been issued.LinkNo
A new contract may not be issued for this service plan as an existing contract has already been issued and not yet returned.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
No security implementation is supported for this transaction type. Please contact an Administrator.LinkNo
No service plan security implementation has been registered. Please contact an Administrator.LinkNo
Service plan status must be Active or Approved.LinkNo
The changes you have made cannot be saved as they will result in contract status returning to Issued and there is already a contract with this status.LinkNo
The contract may not be created as the service plan has already been closed.LinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
You do not have appropriate privileges to perform this operation.LinkNo
You do not have the appropriate privileges to view this page.LinkNo
Your changes cannot be saved as there has already been a contract issued in respect of this service plan.LinkNo
When page is submitted
Related Entities
Technical Information
Page IDServicePlanDelivery_selectContractClient
LocationC:\Users\david\dev\src\esystems-inc\Curam_V8_IS\webclient\components\ServicePlans\Service Plan Delivery\Contracts\ServicePlanDelivery_selectContractClient.uim
Page Load InterfaceServicePlanDelivery.listParticipantsToIssueContractTo
Page Submit InterfaceServicePlanDelivery.readContractIssuerDetails
Linked From PagesNew Contract (ServicePlanDelivery_createContract), Contracts (ServicePlanDelivery_listContracts)