This page allows you to view an objective group.
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Page Flow Diagram
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NameOBJECTIVEGROUP_NAMEName of the objective group.No
ConjunctionOBJECTIVE_CONJUNCTIONLogical objectives conjunction in the objective group. The following objective conjunction values are available: 1. All Objectives: Returns all the successful objectives. 2. First Successful: Returns only the first successful objective. 3. Highest Priority Objective: Returns only the successful objective with highest priority. 4. Highest Value Objective: Returns only the successful objective with highest value. No
RuleIDRULE_IDID of the related rule set node (see "Code Tables" in the Cúram Administration Guide)..No
PriorityRULE_PRIORITYPriority of the objective group. The priority is specified as an integer. The larger the number, the higher the priority. This priority can be used by the Rules Engine to return only the objectives with the highest priority.No
NameNODE_NAMEName of the objective group.No
TypeNODE_TYPEType of objective group. No
LanguageLOCALE_CODELanguage of this objective group translation.No
Links and Actions
Page Level Actions
Add ObjectiveAdds a new objective to this objective group.
Add ObjectiveAdds a new objective to this objective group.
Add Objective GroupAdds a new objective group to this objective group.
Add Objective GroupAdds a new objective group to this objective group.
Add Objective List GroupAdds a new objective list group to this objective group.
Add Objective List GroupAdds a new objective list group to this objective group.
Add Rule GroupAdds a new rule group to this objective group.
Add Rule GroupAdds a new rule group to this objective group.
Add Rule List GroupAdds a new rule list group to this rule group.
Add Rule List GroupAdds a new rule list group to this rule group.
DeleteThe Delete action allows you to delete the objective group record.
DownTo reorder rules, click the Down link by changing the positions of relevant rules in the items section of the rules container view page (for example rule group or objective group).
EditThe Edit action allows you to modify the information displayed.
EditModify the objective group translation.
EditClick the Edit link on the appropriate row to modify the objective group record.
New TranslationCreates Translation for this objective group.
New TranslationCreates Translation for this objective group.
UpTo reorder rules, click the Up link by changing the positions of relevant rules in the items section of the rules container view page (for example rule group or objective group).
Validate Rule SetValidates the rule set.
Validate Rule SetValidates the rule set.
ViewClick the View link on the appropriate row to view the objective group record.
ViewView the objective group translation.
Technical Information