This page allows you to view Eligibility rule sets. An eligibility rule set is a hierarchical arrangement of nested objects of different types. It defines the set of rules for a specific period of time for a given product and acts itself as a Root of the hierarchy. Several other objects like rule list groups, rule groups, objective list groups, objective groups, objectives, data item assignments, rules, and sub-rule set link, with different combinations fit in the next level.
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Page Flow Diagram
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Rule Set IDRULE_SET_IDUnique alphanumeric ID of the eligibility rule set. Application developers use this value to identify the rule set and to invoke it for execution.No
NameRULE_SET_NAMEName of the eligibility rule set.No
Legislation BaseLEGISLATION_BASELegislation base of the related legislation information. This information helps the user understand the legislation behind the eligibility rule set.No
Legislation IDLEGISLATION_IDID of the related legislation information. This information helps the user understand the legislation behind the eligibility rule set.No
HighlightHIGHLIGHT_INDHighlight indicator. This indicator specifies whether a failed eligibility rule set is displayed in a different color.No
Result Text
SuccessSUCCESS_TEXTResult text to be displayed when the eligibility rule set execution is successful.No
FailureFAILURE_TEXTResult text to be displayed when the eligibility rule set execution fails.No
NameNODE_NAMEName of the eligibility rule set.No
TypeNODE_TYPEType of the objective.No
LanguageLOCALE_CODELanguage of this eligibility rule set translation.No
Rules Data Objects
TypeRULES_DATA_OBJECT_TYPEThe type of RDO, e.g., singleton, list.No
FinalCURAM_INDICATORDenotes whether the RDO is final. Values cannot be assigned to the final RDO data items more than once in the rule set execution.No
Links and Actions
Page Level Actions
Add Objective GroupAdds a new objective group to this eligibility rule set.
Add Objective List GroupAdds a new objective list group to this eligibility rule set.
Add Rule GroupAdds a new rule group to this eligibility rule set.
Add Rule List GroupAdds a new rule list group to this eligibility rule set.
Add Rules Data ObjectAdds a new rules data object to this eligibility rule set.
Clone Rule SetClones the eligibility rule set.
EditYou can press the Edit button to modify the information displayed.
New TranslationCreates a new translation for this rule set.
Publish ChangesPublishes the eligibility rule set changes. The cached version of this rule set will be removed from the cache and the updated version will be picked up by the Rules Engine the next time the rule set is executed.
Validate Rule SetValidates the rule set.
Row Level Actions for: Items
EditYou can press the Edit button to modify the eligibility rule set details.
UpTo reorder rules, click the Up link by changing the positions of relevant rules in the items section of the rules container view page (for example rule group or objective group).
DownTo reorder rules, click the Down link by changing the positions of relevant rules in the items section of the rules container view page (for example rule group or objective group).
Row Level Actions for: Translations
EditYou can press the Edit button to modify the eligibility rule set details.
DeleteClick the Delete link on the appropriate row to delete the eligibility rule set details.
Row Level Actions for: Rules Data Objects
RemoveRemoves the rules data object from the eligibility rule set.
Expanded Row for: Items
Expanded Row for: Translations
Expanded Row for: Rules Data Objects
Technical Information