This page allows you to view a list of the eligibility rule sets recorded in the system. An eligibility rule set is a hierarchical arrangement of nested objects of different types. It defines the set of rules for a specific period of time for a given product and acts itself as a Root of the hierarchy. Several other objects like rule list groups, rule groups, objective list groups, objective groups, objectives, data item assignments, rules, and sub-rule set link, with different combinations fit in the next level.
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Page Flow Diagram
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NameRULE_SET_NAMEName of the eligibility rule set.No
Links and Actions
Row Level Actions
SimulationsClick the Simulations link on the appropriate row to open the Simulations page for the eligibility rule set you want to execute in the Cúram Rules Simulation Environment.
DeleteClick the Delete link on the appropriate row to delete the eligibility rule set record.
Technical Information
Page IDRulesEditor_listEligibilityRuleSet
LocationC:\Users\david\dev\src\esystems-inc\Curam_V8_IS\webclient\components\core\Rules Editor\Eligibility Rule Sets\RulesEditor_listEligibilityRuleSet.uim
Page Load InterfaceRulesEditor.listEligibilityRuleSet
Page Submit Interface
Linked From PagesDelete Eligibility Rule Set (RulesEditor_cancelEligibilityRuleSet), New Eligibility Rule Set (RulesEditor_createEligibilityRuleSet)