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TypeFINANCIAL_INSTRUCTION_CODEType of financial instruction, e.g., payment, liability, payment received.No
StatusFIN_INSTRUCTION_STATUS_CODEStatus of the financial instruction.No
Creation DateCURAM_DATEDate on which the financial instruction is generated.No
Effective DateCURAM_DATEDate on which the financial instruction is effective. No
CurrencyCURRENCY_CODECurrency of the financial instruction.No
AmountCURAM_AMOUNTMonetary amount of the financial instruction.No
TypeFINANCIAL_INSTRUCTION_CODEType of financial instruction, e.g., payment, liability, payment received.No
StatusFIN_INSTRUCTION_STATUS_CODEStatus of the financial instruction.No
Creation DateCURAM_DATEDate on which the financial instruction is generated.No
Effective DateCURAM_DATEDate on which the financial instruction is effective. No
CurrencyCURRENCY_CODECurrency of the financial instruction.No
AmountCURAM_AMOUNTMonetary amount of the financial instruction.No
Links and Actions
Page Level Actions
New Account AdjustmentClick the New Account Adjustment to perform an adjustment on the participant's account, e.g., a deduction adjustment.
New Account AdjustmentClick the New Account Adjustment to perform an adjustment on the participant's account, e.g., a deduction adjustment.
Expanded Row
When page is loaded
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
%1n record(s) were found.LinkNo
Address header information is missing or invalid.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
Invalid address layout type %1s specified in address header.LinkNo
Invalid Currency Exchange Rate value %1s for Currency type %2s.LinkNo
More than one unallocated InstructionLineItems exists for the Adjustment with finInstructionID %1s.LinkNo
No details exist for the specified financial instruction %1s.LinkNo
No security implementation is supported for this transaction type. Please contact an Administrator.LinkNo
The from date entered should be earlier than the to dateLinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
When page is submitted
Related Entities
Technical Information
Page IDRepresentative_listFinancial
Page Load InterfaceParticipant.listParticipantFinancial
Page Submit Interface
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