This page allows you to view compartment characteristics of provider facility.
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Minimum AgePLACEMENT_CHARACTERISTIC_AGEThe minimum age of a client who can be placed in a compartment. This is used in conjunction with the maximum age to define an age range for clients to be placed in places within a compartment.No
Maximum AgePLACEMENT_CHARACTERISTIC_AGEThe maximum age of a client who can be placed in a compartment. This is used in conjunction with the minimum age to define an age range for clients to be placed in places within a compartment.No
GenderDESCRIPTIONThis attribute is used to define the rules that apply to placements within a compartment with regard to the gender of the client. If "Female Only" is specified, then only female clients may be placed in places within the compartment. If "Male Only" is specified, then only male clients may be placed in the compartment. Finally, if "Same Gender Only" is specified, after the initial placement has been made in the compartment, all subsequent placements must be for clients with the same gender as that of the client initially placed. For example, if a boy is the first placement in a compartment, then only boys and not girls can subsequently be placed within that compartment. If there are no current placements but there is a future dated placement, then only those clients with the same gender can be placed.No
ServiceDESCRIPTIONThe services that are provided in a compartment. This indicates that only those clients who need the selected service can be placed in the compartment. For example if 'Personal Care' is selected, only those clients who are to avail that service from the provider are to be placed in the compartment. If 'Same Service Only' is selected, then only clients who avail of the same service as that of the current client may be placed in the compartment. If there are no current placements but there is a future dated placement made to the place, only those clients who avail of the same service can be placed. For example if a special needs child is placed in a room (compartment) within a foster home, then only another special needs child may be placed in the same room.No
Same Language OnlyBOOLEAN_TYPENo
LanguageLANGUAGE_CODEThis entity defines the language that must be spoken by a client in order for the client to be placed in a compartment. For example if 'Spanish' is specified only Spanish speaking clients can be placed in the compartment.No
Same Ethnicity OnlyBOOLEAN_TYPENo
EthnicityETHNICITYThis entity defines the ethnicity to which the client must belong in order for the client to be placed in a compartment. This indicates that only those clients belonging to the selected ethnicity can be placed in the compartment. For example if 'Hispanic' is selected only those clients belonging to that ethnicity can be allocated places within the compartment.No
Gang Affiliation
Gang Affiliations
Gang AffiliationGANG_AFFILIATIONThis entity defines the gang affiliation that a client must have in order for the client to be placed in a compartment. For example if 'Aryan Brotherhood' is specified only those clients belonging to that gang can be allocated places within the compartment.No
Same Religion OnlyBOOLEAN_TYPENo
ReligionRELIGIONThis entity defines the religion to be practiced by the client in order for the client to be placed in a compartment. This indicates that only those clients practicing the selected religion can be placed in the compartment. For example if 'Sikihism' is selected only those clients practicing that religion can be placed in the compartment.No
Links and Actions
Row Level Actions for: Languages
DeleteThe Delete action allows you to delete the Compartment Characteristics record.
Row Level Actions for: Ethnicities
DeleteThe Delete action allows you to delete the Compartment Characteristics record.
Row Level Actions for: Gang Affiliations
DeleteThe Delete action allows you to delete the Compartment Characteristics record.
Row Level Actions for: Religions
DeleteThe Delete action allows you to delete the Compartment Characteristics record.
When page is loaded
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
An entity identifier cannot be null.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
A row identifier cannot be null.LinkNo
More than entity of type '%1s' with key value '%2s' found in the cache.LinkNo
No database access is allowed at this point.LinkNo
No row manager set which contains the optimistic lock.LinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
When page is submitted
Related Entities
Technical Information
Page IDProviderManagement_viewCompartmentCharacteristics
Page Load InterfaceCompartment.viewCompartmentCharacteristic
Page Submit Interface
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