This page allows you to create a service invoice line item record.
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External ReferenceINVOICE_REF_NUMBERA reference number provided by the provider or provider group who serves as the originator of the service invoice line item.No
Authorization ReferenceINVOICE_REF_NUMBERThe reference number of the service authorization that authorizes payment for the service delivered. The service authorization entered by a user will be used to search for an existing service authorization. If a service authorization reference number is not included on a service invoice line item, the system will attempt to match against an existing service authorization using information about the client, case, and service.No
ServicePROVIDER_SERVICE_IDThe name of the service being offered, e.g. Child Care Infant Full-Time, Community Foster Care, Residential Care or Secure Housing.Yes
Case ReferenceINVOICE_REF_NUMBERThe reference number of the case for which the client is receiving the service. The case reference number entered by a user will be used to search for a case.Yes
FromCURAM_DATEThe start date and time of the period during which the service was delivered.Yes
ToCURAM_DATEThe end date and time of the period during which the service was delivered.Yes
Number of UnitsNUMBER_WORK_UNITSNumber of units of the service delivered.Yes
Unit AmountCURAM_AMOUNTThe amount invoiced for each unit of the service delivered.No
Amount InvoicedCURAM_AMOUNTThe total amount invoiced for the service delivered (equals unit amount multiplied by number of units). This information should be entered by the user to ensure accuracy.No
Payee Details
ReferenceINVOICE_REF_NUMBERThe reference number of the provider or provider group who is to be paid for the delivery of the service. The payee may or may not have delivered the service. For example, providers within an umbrella provider group may provide the services to clients, but the payments need to be made to the provider group itself, or a provider may deliver a service but the payment needs to be directed to a different third party provider. The reference number entered by a user will be used to search for a registered provider or provider group.No
NamePROVIDER_NAMEThe name of the provider or provider group who is to be paid for the delivery of the service. The payee may or may not have delivered the service. For example, providers within an umbrella provider group may provide the services to clients, but the payments need to be made to the provider group itself, or a provider may deliver a service but the payment needs to be directed to a different third party provider. The name entered by a user will be used to search for a registered provider or provider group.No
Provider Details
ReferenceINVOICE_REF_NUMBERThe reference number of the provider who delivered the service to the client of the agency. The reference number entered by a user will be used to search for a registered provider.No
NamePROVIDER_NAMEThe name of the provider who delivered the service to the client of the agency. The name entered by a user will be used to search for a registered provider.No
Client Details
ReferenceINVOICE_REF_NUMBERThe reference number of the client to whom the service was delivered. The client reference number entered by a user will be used to search for a registered person.No
Date of BirthCURAM_DATEThe date of birth of the client to whom the service was delivered. The date of birth entered by a user will be used to search for a registered person.No
First NameFIRST_FORENAMEThe first name of the client to whom the service was delivered. The first name entered by a user will be used to search for a registered person.No
Last NameMOTHER_BIRTH_SURNAMEThe last name of the client to whom the service was delivered. The last name entered by a user will be used to search for a registered person.No
Links and Actions
Page Level Actions
CancelThe Cancel action dismisses the page.
SaveThe Save action updates the record using the information entered on the page.
Save and NewThe Save and New action creates a new record from the information entered on the page and resets the page allowing an additional record to be created.
When page is loaded
When page is submitted
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
An entity identifier cannot be null.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
A row identifier cannot be null.LinkNo
Either Client Reference Number or Client First Name Client Last Name and Client Date of Birth must be specified.LinkNo
Either Provider Reference Number or Provider Name must be specified.LinkNo
Many clients were matched for the name %1s.LinkNo
Many clients were matched for the reference number %1s.LinkNo
Many clients were matched for the reference number %1s and name %2s.LinkNo
Many providers were matched for the name %1s.LinkNo
Many providers were matched for the reference number %1s.LinkNo
Many providers were matched for the reference number %1s and name %2s.LinkNo
More than entity of type '%1s' with key value '%2s' found in the cache.LinkNo
No case could be matched. Case reference number is blank.LinkNo
No case could be matched for the reference number %1s.LinkNo
No client could be matched for the name %1s.LinkNo
No client could be matched for the reference number %1s.LinkNo
No client could be matched for the reference number %1s and name %2s.LinkNo
No database access is allowed at this point.LinkNo
No provider could be matched for the name %1s.LinkNo
No provider could be matched for the reference number %1s.LinkNo
No provider could be matched for the reference number %1s and name %2s.LinkNo
No row manager set which contains the optimistic lock.LinkNo
Payment for this service offering %1s is based on attendance information it cannot be selected.LinkNo
Payment for this service offering %1s is based on placement information it cannot be selected.LinkNo
Service Date From and Service Date To must be equal to the same date if the Unit of Measure of the selected Service is not set to 'Place'.LinkNo
Service must be entered.LinkNo
Service To Date %1d must be on or before today.LinkNo
The Amount Invoiced %1n must equal Unit Amount %2n multiplied by Number of Units %3n.LinkNo
The Amount Invoiced must be entered if Unit Amount is entered.LinkNo
The Amount Invoiced must be greater than or equal to zero.LinkNo
The Client Date of Birth must be today or earlier.LinkNo
The client first name must be entered if client last name is entered.LinkNo
The client last name must be entered if client first name is entered.LinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
The Number of Units %1n must be equal to the number of days of service provided %2n for a placement service.LinkNo
The Number of Units must be greater than zero.LinkNo
The provider %1s not 'Approved'.LinkNo
The Service Date From %1d must be on or before the Service Date To %2d.LinkNo
The Service Date From must be entered.LinkNo
The Service Date To must be entered.LinkNo
The service invoice is '%1c' service invoice line item cannot be added.LinkNo
The service is not 'Active' it cannot be selected.LinkNo
The Unit Amount must be entered if Amount Invoiced entered.LinkNo
The Unit Amount must be greater than or equal to zero.LinkNo
This entity may not be inserted.LinkNo
Related Entities
Technical Information
Page IDProviderManagement_createServiceInvoiceLineItem
Page Load Interface
Page Submit InterfaceServiceInvoice.createServiceInvoiceLineItem
Linked From PagesNew Line Item (ProviderManagement_createServiceInvoiceLineItem), Open Line Items (ProviderManagement_viewOpenServiceInvoiceLineItems), All Line Items (ProviderManagement_viewServiceInvoiceLineItems)