This page allows you to cancel service invoice line item.
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No Select No if you do not want to delete this service invoice line item.
YesSelect Yes if you want to delete this service invoice line item.
When page is loaded
When page is submitted
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
An entity identifier cannot be null.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
A row identifier cannot be null.LinkNo
Attendance Tracking Enabled and Daily Attendance Required indicator value has changed effective from %1d which falls between service delivery period.LinkNo
Attendance Tracking Enabled indicator value has changed effective from %1d which falls between service delivery period.LinkNo
Daily Attendance Required indicator value has changed effective from %1d which falls between service delivery period.LinkNo
Either Client Reference Number or Client First Name Client Last Name and Client Date of Birth must be specified.LinkNo
Either Provider Reference Number or Provider Name must be specified.LinkNo
Many clients were matched for the name %1s.LinkNo
Many clients were matched for the reference number %1s.LinkNo
Many clients were matched for the reference number %1s and name %2s.LinkNo
Many payees were matched for the name %1s.LinkNo
Many payees were matched for the reference number %1s.LinkNo
Many payees were matched for the reference number %1s and name %2s.LinkNo
Many providers were matched for the name %1s.LinkNo
Many providers were matched for the reference number %1s.LinkNo
Many providers were matched for the reference number %1s and name %2s.LinkNo
More than entity of type '%1s' with key value '%2s' found in the cache.LinkNo
No case could be matched. Case reference number is blank.LinkNo
No case could be matched for the reference number %1s.LinkNo
No client could be matched for the name %1s.LinkNo
No client could be matched for the reference number %1s.LinkNo
No client could be matched for the reference number %1s and name %2s.LinkNo
No database access is allowed at this point.LinkNo
No matching service invoice line item could be found.LinkNo
No payee could be matched for the name %1s.LinkNo
No payee could be matched for the reference number %1s.LinkNo
No payee could be matched for the reference number %1s and name %2s.LinkNo
No provider could be matched for the name %1s.LinkNo
No provider could be matched for the reference number %1s.LinkNo
No provider could be matched for the reference number %1s and name %2s.LinkNo
No rate is available for the period %1d - %2d.LinkNo
No row manager set which contains the optimistic lock.LinkNo
No service authorization could be matched based on the given information.LinkNo
No service authorization could be matched for the reference number %1s covering the dates %2d to %3d for the service %4s.LinkNo
Payment for this service offering %1s is based on placement information it cannot be selected.LinkNo
Service Date From and Service Date To must be equal to the same date if the Unit of Measure of the selected Service is not set to 'Place'.LinkNo
Service must be entered.LinkNo
Service To Date %1d must be on or before today.LinkNo
The Amount Invoiced %1n must equal Unit Amount %2n multiplied by Number of Units %3n.LinkNo
The Amount Invoiced must be entered if Unit Amount is entered.LinkNo
The Amount Invoiced must be greater than or equal to zero.LinkNo
The case authorized %1s is different from the case %2s in the invoice.LinkNo
The class '%1s' does not implement the interface and therefore is not as an event filter.LinkNo
The class '%1s' does not implement the interface therefore is not an event handler.LinkNo
The client authorized %1s is different from the client %2s in the invoice.LinkNo
The Client Date of Birth must be today or earlier.LinkNo
The client first name must be entered if client last name is entered.LinkNo
The client last name must be entered if client first name is entered.LinkNo
The concern role type %1c has not been implemented as a Provider Organization.LinkNo
The event filter: '%1s' could not be instantiated.LinkNo
The event handler: '%1s' could not be instantiated.LinkNo
The following clients are not authorized on the same service authorization: %1s.LinkNo
The From date %1d must be on or before the To date %2d.LinkNo
The From date must be entered.LinkNo
The key of this database row cannot be altered.LinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
The nominee on the service authorization line item is not active.LinkNo
The Number of Units %1n must be equal to the number of days of service provided %2n for a placement service.LinkNo
The number of units %1n must be less than or equal to maximum units %2n.LinkNo
The number of units %1n must be less than or equal to the number of units authorized %2n.LinkNo
The Number of Units must be greater than zero.LinkNo
The provider %1s does not provide the service %2s for the period specified in the invoice line item. LinkNo
The provider %1s not 'Approved'.LinkNo
The provider authorized %1s is different from the provider %2s in the invoice.LinkNo
The provider on service invoice line item %1s does not belong to provider type %2c specified on service authorization line item for the period %3d - %4d. LinkNo
The provider on service invoice line item %1s do not belong to provider type %2s specified on service authorization line item. LinkNo
The Provider Service must be selected.LinkNo
The provider type on service authorization line item %1c to which the provider %2s belongs is not 'Active'. LinkNo
There exists multiple rates for the period %1d - %2d.LinkNo
The service authorization line item matched to this line item is canceled.LinkNo
The service authorization matched to this line item with reference no %1s is canceled.LinkNo
The service authorized %1s is different from the service %2s in the invoice.LinkNo
The Service Date From %1d must be on or before the Service Date To %2d.LinkNo
The Service Date From must be entered.LinkNo
The Service Date To must be entered.LinkNo
The service invoice line item is not valid for the contract.LinkNo
The service is already invoiced for the same client for period from %1d to %2d by invoice line item %3s.LinkNo
The service is not 'Active' it cannot be selected.LinkNo
The system has determined that no payment is to be made based upon the payment option in place for the established rate.LinkNo
The To date must be entered.LinkNo
The Unit Amount must be entered if Amount Invoiced entered.LinkNo
The Unit Amount must be greater than or equal to zero.LinkNo
The units consumed %1n must be less than the units remaining %2n.LinkNo
This entity may not be inserted.LinkNo
This entity may not be modified.LinkNo
This row may not be modified.LinkNo
This service invoice line item has an exception processing task created against it it cannot be canceled.LinkNo
This service invoice line item is not 'Open' or 'Pending Approval' it cannot be deleted.LinkNo
Related Entities
Technical Information
Page IDProviderManagement_cancelServiceInvoiceLineItem
Page Load Interface
Page Submit InterfaceServiceInvoice.deleteSILIInView
Linked From PagesView Service Invoice Line Item: (ProviderManagement_viewInsertServiceInvoiceLineItem), Open Line Items (ProviderManagement_viewOpenServiceInvoiceLineItems), All Line Items (ProviderManagement_viewServiceInvoiceLineItems)