A birth date has been specified for the prospect person. The citizenship start date cannot be before this date. | Link | No | |
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back. | Link | No | |
A start date must be entered. | Link | No | |
Citizenship details of a client that is currently marked as a duplicate cannot be modified. | Link | No | |
Start date must not be later than end date. | Link | No | |
The citizenship country code must be specified. | Link | No | |
The citizenship requested falls within the time period of an existing citizenship for this prospect person in this country. | Link | No | |
The end date must not be later than today. | Link | No | |
The start date must not be later than today. | Link | No | |
You cannot modify this record as it has been deleted. | Link | No | |