This page allows you to enter a person's details in order to register the prospect person as a person on the system.
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Page Flow Diagram
Click the diagram to manipulate and zoom. Traverse the diagram using Click-and-Drag motions. Fullscreen
Reference NumberALTERNATE_IDPerson's reference number.No
TitlePERSON_TITLE_CODEPerson's title.No
First NameFIRST_FORENAMEPerson's first name.Yes
Middle NameOTHER_FORENAMEPerson's middle name.No
Last NameSURNAMEPerson's last name.Yes
SuffixPERSON_SUFFIX_CODEPerson's suffix, such as Jr. or Sr.No
InitialsPERSON_INITIALSPerson's initials.No
Birth Last NamePERSON_BIRTH_NAMEPerson's birth last name, only relevant if person's birth last name is different than person's current last name.No
Mother's Birth Last NameMOTHER_BIRTH_SURNAMEThe person's mother's birth last name.No
GenderGENDER_CODEPerson's gender.Yes
Date of BirthCURAM_DATEPerson's birth date.Yes
Date of DeathCURAM_DATEPerson's death date.No
Registration DateCURAM_DATEPerson's registration date within the organization. The default value of the registration date is the date you are entering the person on the system. Note that the person registration date cannot be earlier than the current date.Yes
Preferred CommunicationCOMMUNICATION_METHOD_CODEPerson's preferred communication from the drop-down list of communication methods. Your system administrator can add a communication method to this drop-down list via the Code Tables page (see "Code Tables" in the Cúram Administration Guide).No
Special InterestSPECIAL_INTEREST_CODEThis field signifies whether the person has a low priority special interest, a medium priority special interest, or a high priority special interest. By selecting one of the three levels of special interest, you are highlighting to the organization the need for special care when working with the registered person. For example, a person with a history of violence should be given a high level of special interest. You can leave this field empty if the person has no special interest.No
Preferred OfficePUBLIC_OFFICE_LOCATION_IDPublic office most convenient for the person. To select the public office most convenient for the person, press the Search button. Click the Select link on the appropriate row from the list of public offices displayed.No
Preferred LanguageLANGUAGE_CODEPerson's preferred language from the drop-down list of languages. Your system administrator can add a preferred language to this drop-down list via the Code Tables page (see "Code Tables" in the Cúram Administration Guide).No
Private Address
Private AddressADDRESS_DATAYes
Mailing Address
Mailing AddressADDRESS_DATANo
Phone Number
TypePHONE_TYPE_CODEPhone number type, e.g., business or home. The phone number type relates to a coded description of the phone number. Your system administrator can add a new phone number type via the Code Tables page (see "Code Tables" in the Cúram Administration Guide).No
Country CodePHONE_COUNTRY_CODEPhone number country code.No
Area CodePHONE_AREA_CODEPhone number area code.No
PhonePHONE_NUMBERPerson's phone number.No
ExtensionPHONE_EXTENSIONPhone number extension.No
Links and Actions
Page Level Actions
BackClick Back to return to the previous page.
CancelThe Cancel action dismisses the page.
SaveClick the Save link to complete the registration process.
When page is loaded
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
Address header information is missing or invalid.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
Invalid address layout type %1s specified in address header.LinkNo
No security implementation is supported for this transaction type. Please contact an Administrator.LinkNo
No security implementation is supported for this transaction type. Please contact an Administrator.LinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
When page is submitted
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
%1s %2s %3s %4sLinkNo
A Case Member cannot be added to a case with a status of Closed.LinkYescaseparticipantrole.err_participantrole_member_added_case_closed|a|
A Case Member cannot be added to a case with a status of Closed.LinkYesbpocaseparticipantrole.err_case_status_closed|a|
A client cannot be canceled as a member of a Screening Case when Assessments still exist for them.LinkNo
A client cannot be canceled when active cases still exist for them.LinkNo
A client that is currently marked as a duplicate cannot be assigned as a new case member.LinkNo
A client that is currently marked as a duplicate cannot be selected as a relative to another client.LinkNo
A communication exception of this type currently exists.LinkNo
A Concern Role cannot be found with the ID supplied.LinkNo
Active participant data case already exists for this concern role.LinkNo
Actual cost cannot be modified as this plan item is associated with a product deliveryLinkNo
Actual end date must be greater than actual start date and equal to or less than todays date. LinkNo
Address data line %1n is not in correct format.LinkNo
Address details of a client that is currently marked as a duplicate cannot be deleted.LinkNo
Address details of a client that is currently marked as a duplicate cannot be modified.LinkNo
Address header information is missing or invalid.LinkNo
Address line 'Apt/suite' is too long (%1n)- maximum allowed is 256.LinkNo
Address line 'City' is too long (%1n)- maximum allowed is 256.LinkNo
Address type must not be blank.LinkNo
Alternate ID details of a client that is currently marked as a duplicate cannot be modified.LinkNo
Alternate name details of a client that is currently marked as a duplicate cannot be modified.LinkNo
Alternate name details of a client that is currently marked as a duplicate cannot be modified.LinkNo
Alternative ID must not be blank.LinkNo
An active organization structure must exist.LinkNo
An alternate ID record must not overlap with an existing alternate ID record of the same type.LinkNo
An email address must be specified when email type is specified.LinkNo
An email type must be specified when the email address is specified.LinkNo
An Employer cannot be related to itself.LinkNo
An end reason must be entered.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
An expected outcome has not been defined for this plan item. Please contact your administrator.LinkNo
A non-standard address was created or modified.LinkNo
An organization object link record already exists for this %1s.LinkNo
A Participant with Reference Number %1s already exists.LinkNo
A person cannot have more than one %1c name.LinkNo
A phone area code must be entered.LinkNo
A phone number must be specified when phone number type is specified.LinkNo
A phone number type must be specified when phone number is specified.LinkNo
A Prospect Employer cannot be related to itself.LinkNo
A prospect person cannot have more than one %1s name.LinkNo
A public office with office status of 'Closed' cannot be selected.LinkNo
A public office with office status of 'Closed' cannot be selected.LinkNo
A public office with office status of 'Closed' cannot be selected.LinkNo
A public office with status of 'Canceled' cannot be selected.LinkNo
A public office with status of 'Canceled' cannot be selected.LinkNo
A public office with status of 'Canceled' cannot be selected.LinkNo
A relationship cannot be created between concern roles of differing types.LinkNo
A relationship cannot be created with a prospect employer who is currently registered as an employer.LinkNo
A relationship with the details selected already exists.LinkNo
A singleton SELECT returned multiple records.LinkNo
Assigned role of case owner for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s.LinkNo
Assigned role of case reviewer for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s by %4s.LinkNo
Assigned role of case supervisor for Case %1s of type %2s for %3s.LinkNo
Attempt to map a freeform address as a non-freeform.LinkNo
Both first forename and surname must not be blank.LinkNo
Both first name and last name must be at least 1 character long.LinkNo
Business Process class %1s for plan of type %2c is not assignable to type %3s.LinkNo
Citizenship country must be entered.LinkNo
Citizenship details of a client that is currently marked as a duplicate cannot be modified.LinkNo
Citizenship from date must be entered.LinkNo
Citizenship from date must not be earlier than person's date of birth.LinkNo
Citizenship from date must not be later than person's date of death.LinkNo
Citizenship from date must not be later than the to date.LinkNo
Citizenship from date must not be later than today's date.LinkNo
Citizenship reason must be entered.LinkNo
Citizenship to date must not be later than person's date of death.LinkNo
Citizenship to date must not be later than today's date.LinkNo
Comments must be at least 3 characters long.LinkNo
Communication exception details of a client that is currently marked as a duplicate cannot be modified.LinkNo
Communication exception from date must be after %1s start date - %2d.LinkNo
Communication exception from date must be before %1s end date - %2d.LinkNo
Communication exception from date must be entered.LinkNo
Communication exception method must be entered.LinkNo
Communication exception reason must be entered.LinkNo
Communication exception reason must be entered.LinkNo
Communication exception to date must be before %1s end date - %2d.LinkNo
Communication exception type must be entered.LinkNo
Concern role must be registered.LinkNo
Contact type must be entered.LinkNo
Date of Birth must be entered if the Date of Birth Verification is selected.LinkNo
Date of Death must be entered if the Date of Death Verification is selected.LinkNo
Either the organization object reference or user name must be entered.LinkNo
Email must be specified.LinkNo
Exception instantiating hook for plan of type %1c : %2s.LinkNo
Expected end date cannot be modified if an actual end date has been entered. LinkNo
Expected start date cannot be modified if an actual start date has been entered. LinkNo
Fax number invalid. Fax Number entries must have at least 3 digits.LinkNo
Fax Number must not be blank.LinkNo
Foreign residency country must be entered.LinkNo
Foreign Residency details of a client that is currently marked as a duplicate cannot be modified.LinkNo
Foreign residency from date must be entered.LinkNo
Foreign residency from date must not be later than person's date of death.LinkNo
Foreign residency from date must not be later than the to date.LinkNo
Foreign residency from date must not be later than today's date.LinkYesbpovalidateforeignresidency.err_validateforeignresidency_fv_from_date_large|a|
Foreign residency from date must not be on or before person's birth date.LinkNo
Foreign residency reason must be entered.LinkNo
Foreign residency to date must not be after person's date of death.LinkNo
Foreign residency to date must not be later than today's date.LinkYesbpovalidateforeignresidency.err_validateforeignresidency_fv_to_date_large|a|
From date field cannot be blank.LinkNo
From date must be specified.LinkNo
From date must not be later than the to date.LinkNo
From date must not be later than to date.LinkNo
Gender must be specified.LinkNo
Invalid address layout type %1s specified in address header.LinkNo
Invalid version number %1s specified in address header.LinkNo
Multiple participant data cases found for concern role.LinkNo
New address details cannot be added for a client that is currently marked as a duplicate.LinkNo
New administrator details cannot be added for a client that is currently marked as a duplicate.LinkNo
New alternate ID details cannot be added for a client that is currently marked as a duplicate.LinkNo
New alternate name details cannot be added for a client that is currently marked as a duplicate.LinkNo
New alternate name details cannot be added for a client that is currently marked as a duplicate.LinkNo
New citizenship details cannot be added for a client that is currently marked as a duplicate.LinkNo
New communication exception details cannot be added for a client that is currently marked as a duplicate.LinkNo
New email addresses cannot be added for a client that is currently marked as a duplicate.LinkNo
New foreign residency details cannot be added for a client that is currently marked as a duplicate.LinkNo
New phone details cannot be added for a client that is currently marked as a duplicate.LinkNo
New tasks cannot be added for a client that is currently marked as a duplicate.LinkNo
No Active participant data case exists for this concern role.LinkNo
No case owner can be assigned as no potential case owner identified has an active position.LinkNo
No name tag specified in address data line %1n.LinkNo
No security implementation is supported for this transaction type. Please contact an Administrator.LinkNo
One of either Add To My Tasks or Assign To must be entered but not both.LinkNo
Participant data case cannot be created for %1s concern role type.LinkNo
Participant data case cannot be resolved for %1s concern role type.LinkNo
Participant role ID must be specified.LinkNo
Phone details must contain both a phone number and a phone type.LinkNo
Phone details of a client that is currently marked as a duplicate cannot be modified.LinkNo
Phone number invalid. Phone number cannot be blank.LinkNo
Phone number invalid. Phone Number entries must have at least 3 digits.LinkNo
Phone Number must not be blank.LinkNo
Registration date must be specified.LinkNo
Registration date must not be earlier than person date of birth.LinkNo
Registration date must not be later than today.LinkNo
Relationship details of a client that is currently marked as a duplicate cannot be modified.LinkNo
Relationship end date must not be later than concern role end date.LinkNo
Relationship end date must not be later than related concern role end date.LinkNo
Relationship start date must not be earlier than concern role date of birth - %1d.LinkNo
Relationship start date must not be earlier than concern role registration date - %1d.LinkNo
Relationship start date must not be earlier than related concern role date of birth - %1d.LinkNo
Relationship start date must not be earlier than related concern role registration date - %1d.LinkNo
Relationship start date must not be later than concern role date of death - %1d.LinkNo
Relationship start date must not be later than concern role end date - %1d.LinkNo
Relationship start date must not be later than related concern role date of death - %1d.LinkNo
Relationship start date must not be later than related concern role end date - %1d.LinkNo
Responsibility must be entered. LinkNo
Sensitivity must be supplied.LinkNo
Start date must be specified.LinkNo
System configuration error - Unable to retrieve system user details from the database. Please contact your system administrator.LinkNo
The actual start date must be earlier than actual end date. LinkNo
The actual start date must be entered. LinkNo
The actual start date must be equal to or earlier than today. LinkYesbpoplanneditem.err_serviceplan_plan_item_xrv_actual_start_date_not_on_or_before_current_date|a|
The address data for this address is too long.LinkNo
The address data line index %1n is out of range (%2n - %3n).LinkNo
The address record with ID %1n is marked as non-modifiable and therefore cannot be modified.LinkNo
The Alternate ID from date must be after %1s start date - %2d.LinkNo
The Alternate ID to date must be before %1s end date - %2d.LinkNo
The assignee you have chosen does not match the assignee type chosen. Please search for assignee again.LinkNo
The birth country must be entered.LinkNo
The case member cannot be deleted as the case member is a plan participant on a service plan.LinkNo
The case owner type configured is invalid. Please configure this before continuing.LinkNo
The case owner type configured is invalid. Please configure this before continuing.LinkNo
The Case Participant Role start date must not be earlier than the Case start date - %1d.LinkYesbpocaseparticipantrole.err_caseparticipantrole_xfv_from_date_caseheader_from_date|a|
The Case Participant Role start date must not be later than the Case end date - %1d.LinkYesbpocaseparticipantrole.err_caseparticipantrole_xfv_from_date_caseheader_end_date|a|
The Case Participant Role start date must not be later than the Case end date - %1d.LinkYesbpocaseparticipantrole.err_caseparticipantrole_xfv_to_date_caseheader_end_date|a|
The Case Participant Role start date must not be later than the end date.LinkNo
The citizenship requested falls within the time period of an existing citizenship for this person in this country.LinkNo
The class '%1s' does not implement the interface and therefore is not as an event filter.LinkNo
The class '%1s' does not implement the interface therefore is not an event handler.LinkNo
The client is already resident in %1c during this period.LinkNo
The Concern Role Alternate ID already exists on the database.LinkNo
The configured listener for with name %1s could not be created. Please contact an administrator.LinkNo
The configured listener with name %1s could not be found. Please contact an administrator.LinkNo
The configured listener with name %1s does not implement the correct interface %2s. Please contact an administrator.LinkNo
The Date of Birth and Date of Death must be entered.LinkNo
The date of death must not be a future date.LinkNo
The date of death must not be earlier than the date of birth.LinkNo
The deadline date and time must be in the future.LinkNo
The deadline is too far in the future and can not be stored correctlyLinkNo
The details of a client that is currently marked as a duplicate cannot be modified.LinkNo
The end date must be before %1s end date - %2d.LinkNo
The end date of the primary address has passed.LinkNo
The end date of the primary alternative ID has passed.LinkNo
The end date of the primary email address has passedLinkNo
The end date of the primary phone number has passed.LinkNo
The estimated cost cannot be edited after the Plan Item has been approved LinkNo
The estimated cost cannot have a negative value the amount must be zero or more.LinkNo
The estimated cost cannot have a negative value the amount must be zero or more.LinkNo
The event filter: '%1s' could not be instantiated.LinkNo
The event handler: '%1s' could not be instantiated.LinkNo
The expected start date must be earlier than the expected end date.LinkNo
The external party name must be entered.LinkNo
The external party type must be entered.LinkNo
The external user reference has not been configured. Please configure this before continuing.LinkNo
The external user type has not been configured. Please configure this before continuing.LinkNo
The first name recorded for a person must be of type registered or preferred.LinkNo
The first name recorded for a prospect person must be of type registered or preferred.LinkNo
The forename must be at least 1 character long.LinkNo
The from date must not be later than today.LinkNo
The identification details entered already exist for another %1c. Please correct the details or review for duplicate %1c details.LinkNo
The identification details entered already exist for another %1c. Please correct the details or review for duplicate %1c details.LinkNo
The indigenous prospect person must be selected if indigenous region/group details are enteredLinkNo
The Key Server cache and the Key Server database values are out of sync and therefore this record cannot be inserted. LinkNo
The limit on Birth Last Name has been exceeded by %1n character(s).LinkNo
The limit on First Name has been exceeded by %1n character(s).LinkNo
The limit on Last Name has been exceeded by %1n character(s).LinkNo
The limit on Mother's Birth Last Name has been exceeded by %1n character(s).LinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
The marital status must be entered.LinkNo
The nationality must be entered.LinkNo
The owner must be entered. LinkNo
The owner must be specified.LinkNo
The Payment Frequency Currency Type and Payment Method must be entered as active deductions exist for this '%1c'.LinkNo
The phone number %1s already exists for %2s.LinkNo
The sensitivity level cannot be higher than that of proposed owner.LinkNo
The sensitivity level must be at least equal to that of the selected sub-goal.LinkYesbpoplanneditem.err_serviceplan_plan_item_xrv_subgoal_sensitivity|a|
The start date must be after the date of birth of %1s of %2d.LinkNo
The start date must be after the registration date of %1s of %2d.LinkNo
The start date must be before %1s end date - %2d.LinkNo
The subject must be entered.LinkNo
The supplied address data is empty.LinkNo
The user name must be specified.LinkNo
The VerificationController class cannot be found.LinkNo
The VerificationController class cannot be instantiated.LinkNo
This '%1c' is already the current owner for this client.LinkNo
This action cannot be carried out as no corresponding participant evidence record could be found.LinkNo
This action cannot be carried out as participant data case is enabled for persons/prospect persons.LinkNo
This alternative ID %1s already exists for this type.LinkNo
This alternative ID %1s already exists more than once for this type.LinkNo
This alternative ID is already used as a primary alternative ID for another client.LinkNo
This client is already canceled.LinkNo
This client is the primary client and cannot be canceled.LinkNo
This Participant already exists as Primary Client for this case. LinkNo
This Participant already has a role as %1c for this case.LinkNo
This person does not have a registered name. Please add a registered name before continuing.LinkNo
This prospect person does not have a registered name. Please add a registered name before continuing.LinkNo
This record has already been deleted.LinkNo
This reference number is already used as a primary alternative ID for another client.LinkNo
This relationship is invalid as a Parent-Child relationship already exists.LinkNo
This task cannot be created as you currently have an active task allocation blocking period and you have specified the task should be added to your My Tasks list.LinkNo
This task cannot be created as you currently have an active task redirection period and you have specified that the task should be added to your My Tasks list.LinkNo
This task cannot be created because the user %1s is currently being blocked from the allocation of new task.LinkNo
This user is already the current owner for this client.LinkNo
To date field cannot be blank.LinkNo
To date must not be later than today.LinkNo
Type must be entered.LinkNo
Type must be specified.LinkNo
User %1s has created or modified a non-standard address (ID %2n).LinkNo
User must be assigned to a position.LinkNo
You can't delete a registered name.LinkNo
You cannot alter this client's sensitivity to one that is higher than your own.LinkNo
You cannot cancel the plan item as an actual start date has been entered. LinkNo
You cannot change the expected outcome as an actual start date has been entered. LinkYesbpoplanneditem.err_serviceplan_plan_item_fv_expected_outcome_no_modify|a|
You cannot change the type of the registered name.LinkNo
You cannot change the type of the registered name.LinkNo
You cannot create a relationship for this household member with themselves.LinkNo
You can not delete a plan item outcome as the subgoal outcome is already set.LinkNo
You cannot delete a registered name.LinkNo
You cannot delete the primary address. Please assign a different primary address before attempting to remove this address.LinkNo
You cannot delete the primary address. Please create another address and assign it as the primary address before attempting to delete this address.LinkNo
You cannot enter actual start date as plan item status is unapproved or submitted. LinkNo
You cannot enter a good cause value until the outcome value is set to not attained. LinkYesbpoplanneditem.err_serviceplan_plan_item_fv_good_cause_no_modify|a|
You cannot modify the primary address so that it is no longer primary. Please select another address and make it the primary.LinkNo
You cannot modify the primary alternate ID so that it's no longer primary. Please select another alternate ID and make it the primary.LinkNo
You cannot modify the primary phone number so that it is no longer primary. Please select another phone number and make it the primary.LinkNo
You cannot modify this record as it has been deleted.LinkNo
You cannot set outcome to attained or not attained until an actual end date is specified. LinkYesbpoplanneditem.err_serviceplan_plan_item_fv_outcome_no_modify|a|
You do not have appropriate privileges to perform this operation for this plan item.LinkNo
You do not have the appropriate privileges to list service plans for the selected case.LinkNo
You do not have the appropriate privileges to view the selected plan item.LinkNo
You have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item belonging to the %2s Sub-Goal.LinkNo
You have been assigned as the owner of the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.LinkNo
You have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item belonging to the %2s Sub-Goal.LinkNo
You have been assigned as the user responsible for the %1s Plan Item for Service Plan ID %2n.LinkNo
You have been assigned the role of case owner for case %1s by %2s. %3sLinkNo
You have been assigned the role of case reviewer for case %1s by %2s.LinkNo
You have been assigned the role of case supervisor for case %1s by %2s. %3sLinkNo
You may not perform this operation as the service plan is closed.LinkNo
You must choose a related company.LinkNo
You must choose a related person.LinkNo
You must choose a related prospect employer.LinkNo
You must choose a related prospect person.LinkNo
You must enter a from date for this alternative id.LinkNo
You must enter an expected end date LinkNo
You must enter an expected start date LinkNo
You must specify a plan item name LinkNo
You must specify a planned sub goalLinkNo
You must supply a forename for the prospect person.LinkNo
You must supply a name for the prospect person.LinkNo
You must supply a name type for person.LinkNo
You must supply a name type for the prospect person.LinkNo
You must supply both a forename and a surname.LinkNo
When page is loaded
When page is submitted
CURAMSTANDARDCASETASKThis workflow process is a generic workflow process that is used to create standard tasks for a case within the following functional areas - Milestone Delivery, Income Screening, and Service Planning.
DEFAULTCASENOTIFICATIONDefault Case Notification Workflow - Allocates the Notification to the specified user
DEFAULTNOTIFICATIONDefault Notification Workflow - Allocates the Notification to the specified user
NONDEFAULTADDRESSLAYOUTNOTIFICATIONNotifies a user's supervisor if the user creates or modifies an address and the address has a non-default address layout (depending on environment settings).
Related Entities
Technical Information
Page IDProspectPerson_registerAsPersonForPDCWizard
Page Load InterfaceParticipantRegistration.getRegisterProspectAsPersonWizard, ProspectPerson.autoPopulateRegistrationFields, ProspectPerson.listRace, ProspectPerson.readProspectPerson
Page Submit InterfacePDCProspectPerson.registerProspectPersonAsPerson
Linked From PagesRegister Prospect as Person (ProspectPerson_duplicateCheckForPDCWizard)