This page allows you to view a product provider's home page. Product providers offer products to persons or employers on behalf of the organization. A product is either a benefit or a liability issued to participants. Examples of products include child care and training.
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NamePRODUCT_PROVIDER_NAMEProduct provider's name.No
Registered NameREGISTERED_NAMEProduct provider's name registered by the relevant governing authority where the product provider is based.No
AddressADDRESS_FORMATTED_DATAProduct provider's address.No
Phone Number
Public OfficePUBLIC_OFFICE_NAMEPublic office most convenient for the product provider.No
End DateCURAM_DATEDate product provider record is closed on the system.No
Preferred CommunicationCOMMUNICATION_METHOD_CODEProduct provider's preferred communication method, e.g., letter, email.No
Preferred LanguageLANGUAGE_CODEProduct provider's preferred language.No
Registration DateCURAM_DATEProduct provider's registration date within the organization.No
CurrencyCURRENCY_CODEProduct provider's currency.No
Payment FrequencyFREQUENCY_PATTERNFrequency indicating how often payment is issued to the product provider for the products provided.No
Payment MethodMETHOD_OF_DELIVERY_CODEPayment method type, e.g., check, cash or EFT are used to pay the product provider.No
Next Payment DateCURAM_DATENext product provider payment date based on the Payment Frequency.No
SensitivitySENSITIVITY_CODEProduct provider's sensitivity indicates user access. Each user is assigned a sensitivity level on the system. In order for a user to access and/or modify product provider details, that user must have a sensitivity level equal to or higher than the product provider sensitivity level.No
StatusCONCERN_ROLE_STATUS_CODEStatus of the product provider's record. The status is active until the product provider end date. On and after this "end date", the status is closed.No
Current Activities
Open TasksNUMBER_OF_TICKETSNumber of tasks for the product provider. You can view the product provider list page by clicking the task number.No
CommentsCOMMENTSUser comments on this record.No
Links and Actions
When page is loaded
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
Address header information is missing or invalid.LinkNo
An end date has been set for %1s.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
Invalid address layout type %1s specified in address header.LinkNo
No security implementation is supported for this transaction type. Please contact an Administrator.LinkNo
The end date of the primary address has passed.LinkNo
The end date of the primary alternative ID has passed.LinkNo
The end date of the primary phone number must not be in the past.LinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
There is no primary address for this client.LinkNo
There was an error reading the primary address for this client.LinkNo
There was an error reading the primary alternative ID for this client.LinkNo
There was an error reading the primary phone number for this client.LinkNo
When page is submitted
Related Entities
Technical Information
Page IDProductProvider_home
Page Load InterfaceProductProvider.readProductProviderHomePageDetails
Page Submit Interface
Linked From PagesSelect Provider & Location (BenefitSample_selectProviderAndLocation), Select Provider & Location (DefaultICMember_selectProviderAndLocation), Previous Product Provider Registration Check (EducationalInstitute_previousProductProviderRegistrationSearch), Previous Product Provider Registration Check (EducationalInstitute_previousProductProviderRegistrationSearch1), Previous Product Provider Registration Check (Employer_previousProductProviderRegistrationSearch), Previous Product Provider Registration Check (ExternalParty_previousProductProviderRegistrationSearch), Select Provider & Location (ICMember_selectProviderAndLocation), Select Provider & Location (ICSample_selectProviderAndLocation), Sample Liability Home (LiabilitySample_home), Select Provider & Location (LiabilitySample_selectProviderAndLocation), Sample Liability Home: (LiabilitySample_tabDetails), Previous Product Provider Registration Check (Person_previousProductProviderRegistrationSearch), Confirm Product Provider Not Already Registered (ProductProvider_duplicateRegistrationCheck), Product Provider Registration Completed (ProductProvider_registrationComplete), ProductProvider_search, Product Provider Search (ProductProvider_search1), Previous Product Provider Registration Check (ServiceSupplier_previousProductProviderRegistrationSearch)