This page allows you to view workflow process details.
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NamePDT_PROCESS_DISPLAY_NAMEThe display name of the workflow process.No
Process VersionPDT_PROCESS_VERSION_NUMBERThe version number of the selected workflow process.No
Technical IDPDT_PROCESS_NAMEThe technical identifier of the workflow process.No
ReleasedPDT_PROCESS_RELEASEDThe release state of the workflow process.No
CategoryPDT_PROCESS_CATEGORYThe code of the category of workflow process.No
Created ByPDT_PROCESS_USERNAMEThe system user name of the creator of this version of the workflow process.No
Creation DatePDT_PROCESS_CREATION_DATETIMEThe date on which this version of the workflow process was created.No
Start Process Split TypePDT_ACTIVITY_SPLIT_TYPEThe split type of the start process activity.No
DocumentationPDT_PROCESS_DOCUMENTATIONA reference to more detailed documentation.No
End Process Join TypePDT_ACTIVITY_JOIN_TYPEThe join type of the end process activity.No
Failure Allocation Strategy
TypePDT_ALLOCATION_STRATEGYThe type of the target field for each input mapping.No
Allocation NameALLOCATION_TARGET_NAMEThe name of the allocation target configured for the allocation strategy. This name is displayed on all application pages relating to the allocation target container. The name must be unique to all other allocation target names.No
Web Service Details
Expose As Web ServicePDT_EXPOSE_PROCESS_AS_WEBSERVICESet this flag to true if it is required to expose this workflow process as a web service.No
Callback Web ServicePDT_CALLBACK_SERVICESpecify the name of the callback service. This is optional because not all invocations from a BPEL process require a callback. The value is a the fully qualified name of a class extending org.apache.axis.client.Service. This is generated by the Cúram web services connector functionality for the BPEL callback service.No
Links and Actions
Page Level Actions
Release ProcessClick here to release this process definition
When page is loaded
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
%1s %2s %3s %4sLinkNo
An error occurred loading the process definition XML document.LinkNo
An error occurred loading the process definition XML document.LinkNo
An error occurred loading the process definition XML document.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
A workflow data object defined by the workflow engine.LinkNo
A workflow data object defined by the workflow engine.LinkNo
A workflow data object defined by the workflow engine.LinkNo
Cannot find the default locale for this localized text.LinkNo
Cannot find the default locale for this localized text.LinkNo
Cannot find the default locale for this localized text.LinkNo
Enacting UserLinkNo
Enacting UserLinkNo
Enacting UserLinkNo
Enactment TimeLinkNo
Enactment TimeLinkNo
Enactment TimeLinkNo
Process Instance IDLinkNo
Process Instance IDLinkNo
Process Instance IDLinkNo
Runtime InformationLinkNo
Runtime InformationLinkNo
Runtime InformationLinkNo
The description of the workflow process cannot be found for the server locale %1s.LinkNo
The failure allocation target with identifier %1s cannot be found on the system. Please choose another allocation target to use.LinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
The released workflow process definition %1s with identifier %2n and version %3n is invalid. The validation error is %4sLinkNo
The released workflow process definition %1s with identifier %2n and version %3n is invalid. The validation error is %4sLinkNo
The released workflow process definition %1s with identifier %2n and version %3n is invalid. The validation error is %4sLinkNo
The workflow process definition %1s cannot be found.LinkNo
The workflow process definition %1s cannot be found.LinkNo
The workflow process definition %1s cannot be found.LinkNo
The workflow process definition is invalid against the schema. The schema error is %1sLinkNo
The workflow process definition is invalid against the schema. The schema error is %1sLinkNo
The workflow process definition is invalid against the schema. The schema error is %1sLinkNo
The XML Binding API cannot be invoked as the classesToBeBound parameter is empty.LinkNo
The XML Binding API cannot be invoked as the classesToBeBound parameter is empty.LinkNo
The XML Binding API cannot be invoked as the classesToBeBound parameter is empty.LinkNo
Unable to unmarshal the data for the class '%1s'. The error message is '%2s'.LinkNo
Unable to unmarshal the data for the class '%1s'. The error message is '%2s'.LinkNo
Unable to unmarshal the data for the class '%1s'. The error message is '%2s'.LinkNo
When page is submitted
Related Entities
Technical Information
Page IDProcessDefinitionTool_viewProcess
LocationC:\Users\david\dev\src\esystems-inc\Curam_V8_IS\webclient\components\core\Process Definition Tool\Workflow Process\ProcessDefinitionTool_viewProcess.uim
Page Load InterfaceProcessAdmin.readProcess, ProcessAdmin.readProcessFailureAllocationStrategy, ProcessAdmin.readProcessWebserviceDetails
Page Submit Interface
Linked From PagesCopy Workflow Process (ProcessDefinitionTool_copyProcess), New Workflow Process (ProcessDefinitionTool_createProcess), Edit Workflow Process (ProcessDefinitionTool_editProcessFromAllVersionsList), - (ProcessDefinitionTool_importProcessWarning), Workflow Event Type (WorkflowEvents_viewEventType)