This page allows you to view a decision activity.
Page Preview
Page Flow Diagram
Click the diagram to manipulate and zoom. Traverse the diagram using Click-and-Drag motions. Fullscreen
Activity NamePDT_ACTIVITY_NAMEThe unique name of the activity.No
Activity TypePDT_ACTIVITY_TYPEThe type of the activity, will always be Decision.No
CategoryPDT_ACTIVITY_CATEGORYThe category of the activity.No
Parallel Activity TypePDT_PARALLEL_ACTIVITY_TYPEThe type of the activity that the parallel activity wraps. In this instance, this type will be set to Decision.No
Split TypePDT_ACTIVITY_SPLIT_TYPEThe type of split used for outgoing transitions.No
Join TypePDT_ACTIVITY_JOIN_TYPEThe type of join used for incoming transitions.No
Parallel Activity List WDO
List Data Object To Use
List Data Object To UsePDT_WDO_NAMEThe name of the list workflow data object to use in the parallel activity.No
ValidPDT_VALID_MAPPING_AS_STRINGA flag to indicate if the list workflow data object specified for the parallel activity is valid.No
Subject Text
Subject TextPDT_ACTIVITY_SUBJECTThe subject text for a decision activity.No
Question Text
QuestionPDT_ACTIVITY_QUESTION_TEXTThe question text for the decision activityNo
Incoming Transitions
From ActivityPDT_ACTIVITY_NAMETransition from activity.No
Outgoing Transitions
To ActivityPDT_ACTIVITY_NAMETransition to activity. No
Links and Actions
Row Level Actions for: Incoming Transitions
EditClick the edit button to edit the transition.
Row Level Actions for: Outgoing Transitions
EditClick the edit button to edit the transition.
ReorderClick the reorder button to reorder the transition.
Expanded Row for: Incoming Transitions
Expanded Row for: Outgoing Transitions
When page is loaded
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
A list workflow data object must be specified for the parallel activity.LinkNo
An error occurred instantiating a primitive type wrapper for the type %1s.LinkNo
An error occurred loading the process definition XML document.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
A workflow data object defined by the workflow engine.LinkNo
Cannot find the default locale for this localized text.LinkNo
Enacting UserLinkNo
Enactment TimeLinkNo
Process Instance IDLinkNo
Runtime InformationLinkNo
The attribute %1s of the %2s workflow data object could not be found on this instance.LinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
The minimum amount of question data for this Decision Activity has not yet been supplied.LinkNo
The released workflow process definition %1s with identifier %2n and version %3n is invalid. The validation error is %4sLinkNo
The type %1s specified for the attribute %2s is unknown.LinkNo
The workflow data object named %1s could not be found in the process definition %2s.LinkNo
The workflow process definition %1s cannot be found.LinkNo
The workflow process definition is invalid against the schema. The schema error is %1sLinkNo
The XML Binding API cannot be invoked as the classesToBeBound parameter is empty.LinkNo
Unable to unmarshal the data for the class '%1s'. The error message is '%2s'.LinkNo
When page is submitted
Related Entities
When page is loaded
When page is submitted
Technical Information
Page IDProcessDefinitionTool_viewParallelDecisionActivity
LocationC:\Users\david\dev\src\esystems-inc\Curam_V8_IS\webclient\components\core\Process Definition Tool\Parallel Activity\ProcessDefinitionTool_viewParallelDecisionActivity.uim
Page Load InterfaceParallelActivityAdmin.readParallelDecisionActivity
Page Submit Interface
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