The content you have requested relates to a resolve page which is a page that can redirect to one of several pages, depending on certain criteria or data. For example, the name of an individual may link to the person home page, employer home page or provider home page depending on the type of participant the individual is.

When this happens in the application, Cúram recognizes it is a resolve page and uses the criteria and data mentioned before to work out which page to redirect to. In some cases, the search functionality can be used to identify likely pages that could be opened here. In other cases, you will need to review the code to identify the pages that could be opened here.

The list below lists possible destinations of this resolve page.

Resolves to Pages
No page links could be identified. Please review the resolve page code to identify the pages that could be opened here.
Technical Information
Page IDPerson_resolveHomePage
Invoked Server InterfacesPDCUtil.readPDCEnabledInd
Linked From PagesSearch for Client (BenefitSample_searchPerson), Assigned Audits (CaseAudit_listCaseAuditsByAssignee), CaseAudit_listForAuditorUser, Assigned Audits (CaseAudit_reassignCaseAudit), Assigned Audits (CaseAudit_removeAssignment), Previous Person Registration Check (Employer_previousPersonRegistrationSearch), Previous Person Registration Check (ExternalParty_previousPersonRegistrationSearch), Manual Payment Person Search (Financial_manualPaymentSearchPerson), Search for Client (ICSample_searchPerson), Confirm Selected Person (IncomeScreening_confirmPerson), Search for Household Member: (IncomeScreening_searchForHouseholdMember), Search for Client (IncomeScreening_searchPerson), Confirm Prospect Person Not Already Registered as Person (Individual_duplicateProspectPersonRegistrationCheck), Confirm Prospect Person Not Already Registered as Person (Individual_duplicateProspectPersonRegistrationCheckReset), Previous Person Registration Check (InformationProvider_previousPersonRegistrationSearch), Register Person (Intake_personFullRegistration), Edit Referral (IntegratedCase_modifyReferralFromList), Edit Referral (IntegratedCase_modifyReferralFromView), View Contract Details (IntegratedCase_viewNonModifiableContract), View Referral (IntegratedCase_viewReferral), Client Interaction Home: (InteractionCentre_personHome), Client Interaction: (InteractionCentre_recordedPersonInteraction), Client Interaction: (InteractionCentre_unrecordedPersonInteraction), Liability Overbilling Home (LiabilityOverbilling_home), Search for Client (LiabilitySample_searchPerson), My Items of Interest (Organization_listBookmarkedCases), My Items of Interest (Organization_listUserBookmarkedCases), Benefit Underpayment Home (PDBenefitUnderPayment_home), Person Registration Completed (Person_registrationComplete), ) (Person_relativeSearchPopup), Person_search, ) (PersonProspectPerson_search), Applied Deduction (ProductDelivery_viewAppliedDeductionDetails), View Applied Deduction (ProductDelivery_viewAppliedDeductionDetails1), Previous Person Registration Check (ProductProvider_previousPersonRegistrationSearch), Confirm Registration (Prospect_registerPersonFromProspect), Confirm Prospect Person Not Already Registered as Person (ProspectPerson_duplicatePersonRegistrationCheck), Confirm Prospect Person Not Already Registered as Person (ProspectPerson_duplicatePersonRegistrationCheck1), Confirm Prospect Person Not Already Registered as Person (ProspectPerson_duplicatePersonRegistrationCheckReset), Confirm Prospect Person Not Already Registered as Person (ProspectPerson_duplicatePersonRegistrationCheckReset1), ) (ProspectPerson_duplicateRegistrationCheck), Prospect Person Registered as Person (ProspectPerson_registrationAsPersonComplete), ProspectPerson_search, Prospect Person Home (ProspectPersonRegisteredAsPerson_home), Return Line Items for Supplier (ServiceSupplier_listReturnLineItem), Previous Person Registration Check (ServiceSupplier_previousPersonRegistrationSearch), Special Cautions: (SpecialCaution_listFromPersonHome)