This page allows you to view a duplicate participant record. For various reasons it sometimes happens that the organization records information about the same person or organization more than once. When the organization becomes aware that they have registered a person or an organization more than once, they need to merge the information recorded so that duplicate or conflicting information isn't used. Merging participant records involves marking one participant as a duplicate, and then manually merging the two records. Extra information can be included on the valid record from the duplicate where appropriate, e.g., an additional phone number or a more up to date address.
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Client Details
OriginalUSER_FULL_NAMEThe original participant that this participant has been marked a duplicate of. You can click on the participant name to view the participant record.No
DuplicateUSER_FULL_NAMEThe duplicate participant. You can click on the participant name to view the participant record.No
Mark Duplicate Details
Marked As Duplicate DateCURAM_DATETIMEDate the participant has been marked as a duplicate.No
Marked As Duplicate ReasonDUPLICATE_REASON_CODEThe reason the record has been marked as a duplicate, e.g., input error, misuse of identity.No
Marked As Duplicate ByUSER_FULL_NAMEThe name of the user who marked the record as a duplicate.No
Mark Duplicate Comments
Mark Duplicate CommentsCOMMENTSNo
Merge Details
Merge Start DateCURAM_DATETIMEDate the merge began.No
Merge End DateCURAM_DATETIMEDate the merge was completed.No
Merge Started ByUSER_FULL_NAMEUser who started the merge.No
Merge Completed ByUSER_FULL_NAMEUser who completed the merge.No
Unmark Details
Unmarked DateCURAM_DATETIMEDate the record was unmarked as a duplicate.No
Unmarked ReasonUNMARK_REASON_CODEReason the record was unmarked as a duplicate, e.g., input error, not a duplicate.No
Unmarked ByUSER_FULL_NAMEThe name of the user who unmarked the record as a duplicate. No
Unmark Comments
Unmark CommentsCOMMENTSNo
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Technical Information
Page IDParticipant_viewDuplicate
Page Load InterfaceClientMerge.readDuplicateByConcernRole
Page Submit Interface
Linked From PagesDuplicates (Intake_listParticipantDuplicates), Duplicates (Participant_listDuplicates), Merge Duplicate (Participant_mergeSummaryForViewDuplicate)