This page allows the user to select a Pro forma communication view. Pro forma communications are standardized communications generated from XSL style sheets which are saved as templates.
Page Preview
Page Flow Diagram
Click the diagram to manipulate and zoom. Traverse the diagram using Click-and-Drag motions. Fullscreen
Communication Type
TypeTEMPLATE_TYPE_CODECommunication type, e.g., letter, contract, invoice.No
Search Results
Pro Forma TypeTEMPLATE_NAMEPro forma template name.No
LocaleLOCALE_CODEThe locale associated with the Pro forma template.No
Links and Actions
Page Level Actions
CancelThe Cancel action allows you to dismiss the page.
ResetThe Reset action allows you to refresh the page and type the search criteria again
SearchPress the Search button to search for available pro forma templates. Only pro forma templates available to the participant and for the selected communication type will appear in the list of available pro forma templates.
SelectClick the Select link on the appropriate row to select on of the pro forma templates for the pro forma communication.
Related Entities
Technical Information
Page IDParticipant_selectProFormaType
Page Load Interface
Page Submit InterfaceProviderNotification.listTemplateByTypeAndProviderParticipant
Linked From PagesNew Pro Forma Communication (Participant_createProFormaCommunication1), New Pro Forma Communication (Participant_getProFormaCorrespondent), New Pro Forma Communication (Participant_selectProFormaType), Use of letter template (Participant_templateSelect)