This allows you to modify an outcome plan record.
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Page Flow Diagram
Click the diagram to manipulate and zoom. Traverse the diagram using Click-and-Drag motions. Fullscreen
NameLOCALIZABLE_TEXTThe localizable name of the outcome plan.Yes
ReferenceREFERENCE_TEXTThe unique reference of the outcome plan.No
Home PageCLIENT_PAGE_LINKThe home page to be used for the outcome plan. This is optional and if blank will be read from a property.No
Goals Applicable ToOUTCOME_PLAN_GOALS_APPLICABLE_TOIndicates whether goals can be only specified for an outcome plan, only for clients within the outcome plan or for both the outcome plan and clients.Yes
Agreement Approval Check APPROVAL_CHECK_PERCENTAGE_STRINGSignifies what percent of agreements this approval check should be applied to.No
Ownership StrategyWORKFLOW_PROCESS_NAMEThe strategy used for assigning the owner. The user can supply a ownership strategy workflow in this field.No
Recommendation RulesetINTERNAL_IDThe name of the ruleset to be executed to determine objectives and activities to recommend for the outcome plan.No
WorkspaceOUTCOME_PLAN_ITEM_TYPEThe workspace configuration to be used for the outcome plan. This can be "Activity" or "Objective". If this is not set "Objective" is used.No
Create FactorsCURAM_INDICATORIndicator which dictates if a user defined factor can be created for an outcome plan. If set to true, a user can add a factor to an outcome plan which has not been administered in outcome management administration.No
DescriptionOUTCOME_PLAN_RICH_TEXT_SMALLThe localizable description of the outcome plan.No
Multidisciplinary Team
TypeSEF_MDT_TYPE_CODEThe multidisciplinary team type can either be "predefined" or "define from social enterprise folder". Predefined multidisciplinary teams are typically matched to case types with predefined goals. For example, the predefined goals of high risk cases such as domestic abuse investigation are to assess the risk of re-assault or violence and take the necessary steps to protect any persons in harms way. Families with complex and ongoing needs require a multidisciplinary team who understands their personal circumstances. For example, an ongoing case aimed at assisting a child who was in a abusive situation requires team members who have established relationships with the child. No
Sharing EnabledCURAM_INDICATORIndicates that Sharing is applicable for this caseNo
Review Options
First Review (days)NUMBER_OF_DAYSThe number of days after which the first review of the plan should take place.No
Frequency CalculationPLAN_REVIEW_FREQUENCY_CALCULATIONHow the next review date is calculated. It can be calculated using the frequency and the scheduled date or the previous review completion date.No
Frequency (days)NUMBER_OF_DAYSThe frequency in days at which plan reviews should take place.No
Visits Applicable CURAM_INDICATORIndicates whether the 'Visitation' functionality is applicable to the Outcome Plan or the Plan Review.No
Acceptable Duration (%)VISITATION_COMPLIANCY_ACCEPTABLE_DURATION_PERCENTIndicates the acceptable duration percentage for the visitNo
Lower Age LimitVISITING_AGE_LIMITIndicates the lower age limit of the person been visitedNo
Upper Age LimitVISITING_AGE_LIMITIndicates the upper age limit of the person been visitedNo
Links and Actions
Page Level Actions
CancelThe Cancel action dismisses the page.
SaveThe Save action updates the record using the information entered on the page.
When page is loaded
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
'To be' rule sets contain validation errors - cannot continue with rule set migrationLinkNo
'To be' rule sets contain validation errors - cannot continue with rule set migrationLinkNo
(error accessing field - '%1s')LinkNo
(error accessing field - '%1s')LinkNo
%1s: %2s %3s (%4n %5n) %6sLinkNo
%1s: %2s %3s (%4n %5n) %6sLinkNo
- %1s = %2sLinkNo
- %1s = %2sLinkNo
Ancestor attribute availability not found for current attribute availability '%1s'.LinkNo
Ancestor attribute availability not found for current attribute availability '%1s'.LinkNo
Ancestor attribute availability not found for to-be attribute availability '%1s'.LinkNo
Ancestor attribute availability not found for to-be attribute availability '%1s'.LinkNo
Ancestor rule class not found for current rule class '%1s'.LinkNo
Ancestor rule class not found for current rule class '%1s'.LinkNo
Ancestor rule class not found for to-be rule class '%1s'.LinkNo
Ancestor rule class not found for to-be rule class '%1s'.LinkNo
An entity identifier cannot be null.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
Arguments for invocation %1n:LinkNo
Arguments for invocation %1n:LinkNo
A row identifier cannot be null.LinkNo
A row identifier cannot be null.LinkNo
Batch result codes were:LinkNo
Batch result codes were:LinkNo
Current rule set details not found for rule set '%1s'.LinkNo
Current rule set details not found for rule set '%1s'.LinkNo
Current rule set not found for rule set name '%1s'.LinkNo
Current rule set not found for rule set name '%1s'.LinkNo
Details structs were:LinkNo
Details structs were:LinkNo
Error during batch database operation - check log for details.LinkNo
Error during batch database operation - check log for details.LinkNo
Error processing invocation %1n of %2n - batch result code %3n:LinkNo
Error processing invocation %1n of %2n - batch result code %3n:LinkNo
Error re-validating derivation for '%1s'.LinkNo
Error re-validating derivation for '%1s'.LinkNo
existing entry found for %1s (%2s).LinkNo
existing entry found for %1s (%2s).LinkNo
More than entity of type '%1s' with key value '%2s' found in the cache.LinkNo
New rule class not found for moved attribute '%1s' (moving to '%2s').LinkNo
New rule class not found for moved attribute '%1s' (moving to '%2s').LinkNo
New rule set not found for moved class '%1s' (moving to '%2s').LinkNo
New rule set not found for moved class '%1s' (moving to '%2s').LinkNo
No attribute availability storage row found for attribute availability ID %1s.LinkNo
No attribute availability storage row found for attribute availability ID %1s.LinkNo
No database access is allowed at this point.LinkNo
No database access is allowed at this point.LinkNo
No row manager set which contains the optimistic lock.LinkNo
No rule attribute storage row found for rule attribute ID %1s.LinkNo
No rule attribute storage row found for rule attribute ID %1s.LinkNo
No rule class storage row found for rule class '%1s'.LinkNo
No rule class storage row found for rule class '%1s'.LinkNo
No rule class storage row found for rule class '%1s' and rule set ID %2s.LinkNo
No rule class storage row found for rule class '%1s' and rule set ID %2s.LinkNo
No rule set storage row found for rule set name '%1s'.LinkNo
No rule set storage row found for rule set name '%1s'.LinkNo
Number of results from batch database operation (%1n) does not equal number of invocations of batch operation (%2n).LinkNo
Number of results from batch database operation (%1n) does not equal number of invocations of batch operation (%2n).LinkNo
Post migration rule sets contain validation errors - cannot continue with rule set migrationLinkNo
Post migration rule sets contain validation errors - cannot continue with rule set migrationLinkNo
Resource '%1s' not found on classpathLinkNo
Resource '%1s' not found on classpathLinkNo
Result %1n = %2nLinkNo
Result %1n = %2nLinkNo
Rule attribute not found for current rule available attribute '%1s'.LinkNo
Rule attribute not found for current rule available attribute '%1s'.LinkNo
Rule attribute not found for to-be rule available attribute '%1s'.LinkNo
Rule attribute not found for to-be rule available attribute '%1s'.LinkNo
Rule class migration pair not found for '%1s'.LinkNo
Rule class migration pair not found for '%1s'.LinkNo
Rule set migration pair not found for '%1s'.LinkNo
Rule set migration pair not found for '%1s'.LinkNo
Rule set not found for to-be rule set '%1s'.LinkNo
Rule set not found for to-be rule set '%1s'.LinkNo
The Key Server cache and the Key Server database values are out of sync and therefore this record cannot be inserted. LinkNo
The Key Server cache and the Key Server database values are out of sync and therefore this record cannot be inserted. LinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
There is more than one rule set with name '%1s'.LinkNo
There is more than one rule set with name '%1s'.LinkNo
This attribute value has been removed.LinkNo
This attribute value has been removed.LinkNo
To-add rule set not found for rule set name '%1s'.LinkNo
To-add rule set not found for rule set name '%1s'.LinkNo
To-be rule set not found for rule set name '%1s'.LinkNo
To-be rule set not found for rule set name '%1s'.LinkNo
To-remove rule set not found for rule set name '%1s'.LinkNo
To-remove rule set not found for rule set name '%1s'.LinkNo
When page is submitted
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
'To be' rule sets contain validation errors - cannot continue with rule set migrationLinkNo
(error accessing field - '%1s')LinkNo
%1s: %2s %3s (%4n %5n) %6sLinkNo
- %1s = %2sLinkNo
Ancestor attribute availability not found for current attribute availability '%1s'.LinkNo
Ancestor attribute availability not found for to-be attribute availability '%1s'.LinkNo
Ancestor rule class not found for current rule class '%1s'.LinkNo
Ancestor rule class not found for to-be rule class '%1s'.LinkNo
An entity identifier cannot be null.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
An organization unit may not be entered when the type is user.LinkNo
An organization unit must be entered when the type is organization unit.LinkNo
A related type must be provided for this Approval Check.LinkNo
Arguments for invocation %1n:LinkNo
A row identifier cannot be null.LinkNo
A type must be provided for this Approval Check.LinkNo
A username may not be entered when the type is organization unit.LinkNo
A username must be entered when the type is user.LinkNo
A username or organization unit may not be entered when the type is related type.LinkNo
Batch result codes were:LinkNo
Current rule set details not found for rule set '%1s'.LinkNo
Current rule set not found for rule set name '%1s'.LinkNo
Details structs were:LinkNo
Entity manager not found.LinkNo
Error during batch database operation - check log for details.LinkNo
Error processing invocation %1n of %2n - batch result code %3n:LinkNo
Error re-validating derivation for '%1s'.LinkNo
existing entry found for %1s (%2s).LinkNo
More than entity of type '%1s' with key value '%2s' found in the cache.LinkNo
Name must be entered.LinkNo
New rule class not found for moved attribute '%1s' (moving to '%2s').LinkNo
New rule set not found for moved class '%1s' (moving to '%2s').LinkNo
No attribute availability storage row found for attribute availability ID %1s.LinkNo
No database access is allowed at this point.LinkNo
No row manager set which contains the optimistic lock.LinkNo
No rule attribute storage row found for rule attribute ID %1s.LinkNo
No rule class storage row found for rule class '%1s'.LinkNo
No rule class storage row found for rule class '%1s' and rule set ID %2s.LinkNo
No rule set storage row found for rule set name '%1s'.LinkNo
Number of results from batch database operation (%1n) does not equal number of invocations of batch operation (%2n).LinkNo
Post migration rule sets contain validation errors - cannot continue with rule set migrationLinkNo
Record not found for key '%1s'.LinkNo
Resource '%1s' not found on classpathLinkNo
Result %1n = %2nLinkNo
Review Frequency Calculation must be selected if Review Frequency is specified.LinkNo
Review Frequency must be entered if Review Frequency Calculation is selected.LinkNo
Rule attribute not found for current rule available attribute '%1s'.LinkNo
Rule attribute not found for to-be rule available attribute '%1s'.LinkNo
Rule class migration pair not found for '%1s'.LinkNo
Rule set migration pair not found for '%1s'.LinkNo
Rule set not found for to-be rule set '%1s'.LinkNo
The Acceptable Duration %1s must be a whole number.LinkNo
The Acceptable Duration %1s must be greater than or equal to zero.LinkNo
The Acceptable Duration %1s must be less than or equal to 100.LinkNo
The Acceptable Duration %1s must be numeric.LinkNo
The Home Page '%1s' cannot contain spaces.LinkNo
The Home Page entered is too long (%1n) maximum allowed is %2n.LinkNo
The Key Server cache and the Key Server database values are out of sync and therefore this record cannot be inserted. LinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
The Lower Age Limit %1s must be a whole number.LinkNo
The Lower Age Limit %1s must be greater than or equal to zero.LinkNo
The Lower Age Limit %1s must be less than or equal to the Upper Age Limit %2s.LinkNo
The Lower Age Limit %1s must be numeric.LinkNo
The Outcome Plan %1s already exists.LinkNo
The Percentage must be a whole number.LinkNo
The Percentage must be equal to or greater than 0 and less than or equal to 100.LinkNo
The Reference '%1s' cannot contain spaces.LinkNo
The Reference '%1s' is already used for Outcome Plan '%2s'. The Reference must be unique across all Outcome Plans.LinkNo
The Reference entered is too long (%1n) maximum allowed is %2n.LinkNo
There is more than one rule set with name '%1s'.LinkNo
The Upper Age Limit %1s must be a whole number.LinkNo
The Upper Age Limit %1s must be greater than or equal to zero.LinkNo
The Upper Age Limit %1s must be numeric.LinkNo
This attribute value has been removed.LinkNo
This entity may not be inserted.LinkNo
This record has been changed by another user. Please refresh and try again.LinkNo
To-add rule set not found for rule set name '%1s'.LinkNo
To-be rule set not found for rule set name '%1s'.LinkNo
To-remove rule set not found for rule set name '%1s'.LinkNo
Unknown row mode.LinkNo
Visits Applicable must be selected when Acceptable Duration Lower Age Limit or Upper Age Limit are entered.LinkNo
You cannot cancel this record as it has already been canceled.LinkNo
You cannot make changes to this record at the same time as canceling it.LinkNo
You cannot modify this record as it has been canceled.LinkNo
Related Entities
Technical Information
Page IDOutcomePlanAdmin_editOutcomePlanAdminFromList
Page Load InterfaceCREOLERuleSetAdmin.listAllPublishedRuleSets, OutcomePlanAdmin.readOutcomePlanAdminDetails
Page Submit InterfaceOutcomePlanAdmin.updateOutcomePlanAdmin
Linked From PagesOutcomePlanAdmin_listOutcomePlanAdmin