This page allows you to view a voucher exclusion date.
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Date FromCURAM_DATEStart date of the exclusion period. A period can be one day or several days in a row.No
Date ToCURAM_DATELast date of the exclusion period.No
ReasonEXCLUSION_REASON_CODEReason for the exclusion period.No
Prepayment RequiredCURAM_INDICATORThis field indicates whether or not a payment or invoice will be pre-issued if the issue date falls on a exclusion date. Yes indicates that payments or invoices will be pre-issued on a issue date prior to the exclusion date, according to the governing delivery pattern. No indicates that the payment or invoice will not be pre-issued, but will instead be issued on the next available issue date, according to the governing delivery pattern.No
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CloseThe Close action dismisses the page.
DeleteYou can press the Delete button to delete the voucher exclusion date.
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MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
%1d is not an exclusion date.LinkNo
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Technical Information
Page IDOrganization_viewVoucherExclusionDate
Page Load InterfaceOrganization.readExclusionDate
Page Submit Interface
Linked From PagesDelete Exclusion Date (Organization_cancelVoucherExclusionDate)