This page allows you to view a users home page. A user is an individual member of the organization. Users are assigned positions for an organization structure. For example, the user, J Smith, is assigned to a position called, Social Worker 1, which is a position for the active organization structure.
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Page Flow Diagram
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First NameUSER_FIRST_FORENAMEUser's first name.No
Last NameUSER_SURNAMEUser's last name.No
User Default LocaleLOCALEThe default locale of the text.No
LocationLOCATION_NAMEUser's organization location. You can access the location home page by clicking on the location name.No
Business Phone ExtensionPHONE_EXTENSIONUser's phone number extension.No
Business EmailEMAIL_ADDRESSUser's business email address.No
Personal EmailEMAIL_ADDRESSUser's personal email address.No
Business Phone
Business PhonePHONE_NUMBERNo
Personal Phone
Personal PhonePHONE_NUMBERNo
Business Mobile
Business MobilePHONE_AREA_CODENo
Business MobileMOBILE_NUMBERNo
Business Pager
Business PagerPAGER_NUMBERNo
Business Fax
Business FaxFAX_NUMBERNo
Further Details
User NameUSER_CREATE_NAMESystem username, e.g., JSmith.No
Login IDLOGIN_IDLogin ID used for logging in to the application.No
Role SEC_ROLE_NAMEUser's security role. You can access the security role's view page by clicking on the security role.No
ApplicationAPPLICATION_CODEA user's application identity designates the area of Cúram the user accesses when logging into the system.No
Creation DateCURAM_DATEDate on which the user is created on the system.No
End DateCURAM_DATEDisplays the end date entered on the Close User page.No
Login RestrictionsBOOLEAN_TYPEThis field indicates whether the user's access to the system is restricted to certain access periods. A 'Yes' value indicates that the user's access is restricted to certain access periods.No
Login FailuresSEC_LOGIN_FAILURESNumber of login failures this user has had.No
Password ExpiresCURAM_DATEDate on which the password expires.No
Account Expiry DateCURAM_DATEDate on which the user's account expires.No
SensitivitySENSITIVITY_CODEUser's sensitivity level. This sensitivity indicates a user's data based security access level. Each user, participant, work queue, and note on the system is assigned a sensitivity level. In order for a user to have access to specific user, participant, or note fields, that user must have a sensitivity level equal to or higher than the sensitivity level of the participant, user, or note. For example if a user with a sensitivity level of 3 wanted to modify another user's email address, the other user's sensitivity level must be equal to or less than 3. Work queue sensitivity indicates whether or not a user can add himself or herself to a work queue. In order for a user to add himself or herself to a work queue, that user must have a sensitivity level equal to or higher than sensitivity level of the work queue.No
StatusRECORD_STATUS_CODEThe status is "active", unless the record has been deleted, in which case, the status is "canceled".No
Call Center UserBOOLEAN_TYPEThis field indicates whether or not the client call centerer is run when the user logs into the application.No
Account Enabled
Account EnabledBOOLEAN_TYPEThis field indicates whether or not the user's account is enabled.No
Tasks Currently Redirected To
Tasks Currently Redirected ToFULL_NAMEIf the user is unavailable, tasks assigned to the user are redirected to the user displayed. You can access the user home page by clicking on the user name displayed.No
Default Printer
Default PrinterRESOURCE_NAMEUser's default printer. You can access the printer's resource home page by clicking on the printer name.No
Links and Actions
Page Level Actions
[Change…]Click the Change link to change the default printer for the user.
[Task Redirection…]Click the Task Redirection link to redirect this user's tasks to another user.
Close UserYou can press the Close User button to close the user account.
DeleteYou can press the Delete button to delete the user.
Disable AccountClick the Disable link to disable the user's account.
EditYou can press the Edit button to modify the information displayed.
Enable AccountClick the Enable link to enable the user's account.
ReopenYou can press the Reopen button to reopen the user's account.
When page is loaded
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
%1s %2s %3s %4sLinkNo
%1s %2s %3s %4sLinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
This user's account has passed the specified end date and is therefore considered closed by the system. This user therefore has limited system privileges.LinkNo
This user's account has passed the specified end date and is therefore considered closed by the system. This user therefore has limited system privileges.LinkNo
When page is submitted
Related Entities
Technical Information
Page IDOrganization_userHome
Page Load InterfaceOrganization.readOrganizationUserHomePage, Organization.readOrganizationUserHomePage
Page Submit Interface
Linked From PagesCREOLEPropConfig_listConfigurationHistory, Current (CREOLEPropConfig_listLiveAndSandbox), Removed (CREOLEPropConfig_listRemoved), Select Configurations to Publish (CREOLEPropConfig_selectForPublish), Wait List Status History (FundPM_listWaitListEntryStatusHistory), - (FundPM_viewBalanceLineItemDetails), Notes (ICMember_listNote), Home: (IncomeSupportScreening_home), Notes: (IncomeSupportScreening_listNote), Notes (ISPListNote), Notes (ISPMember_listNote), Appeals: (ISProduct_listAppeal), Notes: (IssueDelivery_listNote), User Search (Organization_adminUserSearch), Close User (Organization_closeUser), Users (Organization_listOrganizationUsers), Lead (Organization_listOrgStructureLeadUsers), All Users (Organization_listOrgStructureUsers), Users (Organization_listOrgUnitUsers), Subordinate Users For Position (Organization_listSubUsersForPosition), Supervisor Users For Position (Organization_listSupervisorUsersForPosition), Edit User (Organization_modifyUserFromHome), Organization Structure Browser (Organization_orgStructureBrowser), Home (Organization_orgUnitHome), Task Redirection (Organization_taskRedirection), Task Redirection History (Organization_taskRedirectionHistory), Organization_userSearch, User Search (Organization_userSearchDetails), User Summary (Organization_userSummary), SystemMessage_listSystemMessages, History: (WorkAllocation_listTaskHistory), Work Queues (WorkAllocation_listWorkQueue), Work Queue Subscriptions: (WorkAllocation_listWorkQueueSubscriptions), Task Search (WorkAllocation_taskSearch), Task Home: (WorkAllocation_viewTask), View Work Queue: (WorkAllocation_viewWorkQueue)