This page allows you to view meeting details in recorded meeting minutes. The record meeting minutes wizard assists users in capturing the details of a meeting and issuing meeting minutes to attendees and other interested parties. Each step in the wizard is optional, providing a flexible approach to capturing key information. The record meeting minutes wizard also supports work-in-progress minutes, allowing pieces of information to be recorded all at once or over a period of time.
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Page Flow Diagram
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SubjectMEETING_DETAILS_SUBJECTMeeting subject.No
LocationMEETING_DETAILS_LOCATIONLocation where the meeting is held.No
Start TimeCURAM_DATETIMEStart date and time of the meeting.No
End TimeCURAM_DATETIMEEnd date and time of the meeting.No
DurationMEETING_DURATIONDuration of the scheduled meeting.No
SensitivitySENSITIVITY_CODEMeeting sensitivity level. In order for external and internal users to be able to view the meeting minutes, they must have a sensitivity level equal to or higher than the meeting sensitivity level.No
OrganizerUSER_FULL_NAMEName of the meeting organizer. A link is provided to view user or multidisciplinary team member details for the meeting organizer, depending on his or her role in the social enterprise folder.No
Minuted ByUSER_FULL_NAMEName of the user who has recorded the meeting minutes. A link is provided to view user details.No
Meeting TypeMEETING_TYPEMeeting type, e.g., presentation, conference, emergency meeting.No
Last IssuedMEETING_DETAILS_LAST_ISSUEDDate on which the meeting minutes were last issued.No
Links and Actions
In Page Navigation
ActionsThis link allows you to view meeting actions.
AttendanceThis link allows you to view the meeting attendee details.
CasesThe Cases action allows you to view the cases discussed at the recorded meeting minutes.
FilesThis link allows you to view the files attached to the meeting minutes.
NotesThis link allows you to view meeting notes.
View Printer Friendly MinutesThe View Printer Friendly Minutes allows you to view the meeting minutes in a PDF document.
View Printer Friendly MinutesThe View Printer Friendly Minutes allows you to view the meeting minutes in a PDF document.
When page is loaded
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
%1s %2s %3s %4sLinkNo
An entity identifier cannot be null.LinkNo
An entity identifier cannot be null.LinkNo
An entity identifier cannot be null.LinkNo
An entity identifier cannot be null.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
A row identifier cannot be null.LinkNo
A row identifier cannot be null.LinkNo
Mandatory field 'Sensitivity' has not been set.LinkNo
More than entity of type '%1s' with key value '%2s' found in the cache.LinkNo
More than entity of type '%1s' with key value '%2s' found in the cache.LinkNo
More than entity of type '%1s' with key value '%2s' found in the cache.LinkNo
More than entity of type '%1s' with key value '%2s' found in the cache.LinkNo
No concrete DAO specified for discriminator value '%1s'.LinkNo
No database access is allowed at this point.LinkNo
No database access is allowed at this point.LinkNo
No database access is allowed at this point.LinkNo
No database access is allowed at this point.LinkNo
No row manager set which contains the optimistic lock.LinkNo
No row manager set which contains the optimistic lock.LinkNo
The following parsing error occurred while parsing the HTML document: %1s.LinkNo
The following parsing error occurred while parsing the HTML document: %1s.LinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
The preference '%1s' has not previously been defined for this user.LinkNo
The preference '%1s' has not previously been defined for this user.LinkNo
The preference '%1s' has not previously been defined for this user.LinkNo
Unable to parse the text.LinkNo
Unable to parse the text.LinkNo
Unable to parse the text.LinkNo
You do not have the appropriate security privileges to view this record.LinkNo
When page is submitted
Related Entities
Technical Information
Page IDMeetingDetails_viewDetails
Page Load InterfaceMeetingMinutes.getMeetingContext, MeetingMinutes.readMeetingDecisions, MeetingMinutes.readMeetingDetailsForSocialEnterpriseFolder, MeetingMinutes.readMeetingMinutesPageIndicators
Page Submit Interface
Linked From PagesMeeting Minutes (MeetingDetails_listMeetingsForSEF)