This page allows you to view an external decision attachment. If a document reference and location have been recorded for the decision attachment, it is not possible to view the attachment as it is only available in hardcopy format.
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LocationDOCUMENT_LOCATIONThe location of the hardcopy version of the decision document. This together with the document reference identifies the document and it's filing location within the organization.No
ReferenceDOCUMENT_REFERENCE_NUMBERA document reference which identifies the hardcopy version of the decision document. This together with the document location identifies the hardcopy document and it's filing location within the organization.No
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Technical Information
Page IDLegalAction_viewDecisionAttachment
LocationC:\Users\david\dev\src\esystems-inc\Curam_V8_IS\webclient\components\Appeal\LegalAction\Legal Action Case\Decision\LegalAction_viewDecisionAttachment.uim
Page Load InterfaceLegalActionDecisionAttachment.readExternal
Page Submit Interface
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