This page allows you to view a person's home page. A person is an individual who has registered with the organization.
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Page Flow Diagram
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TitlePERSON_TITLE_CODEPerson's title.No
Middle NameOTHER_FORENAMEPerson's middle name.No
SuffixPERSON_SUFFIX_CODEPerson's suffix, such as Jr. or Sr..No
Last NameSURNAMEPerson's last name.No
InitialsPERSON_INITIALSPerson's initials of name.No
First Name
TitlePERSON_TITLE_CODEPerson's title.No
Middle NameOTHER_FORENAMEPerson's middle name.No
SuffixPERSON_SUFFIX_CODEPerson's suffix, such as Jr. or Sr..No
Last NameSURNAMEPerson's last name.No
InitialsPERSON_INITIALSPerson's initials of name.No
First Name
TitlePERSON_TITLE_CODEPerson's title.No
Middle NameOTHER_FORENAMEPerson's middle name.No
SuffixPERSON_SUFFIX_CODEPerson's suffix, such as Jr. or Sr..No
Last NameSURNAMEPerson's last name.No
InitialsPERSON_INITIALSPerson's initials of name.No
First Name
AddressADDRESS_FORMATTED_DATAPerson's address.No
Phone Number
Marital StatusMARITAL_STATUS_CODEPerson's marital status. You can access the person's list of relationships by clicking on the appropriate marital status link.No
Preferred LanguageLANGUAGE_CODEPerson's preferred language.No
Birth Last NamePERSON_BIRTH_NAMEPerson's birth last name.No
EmployerTRADING_NAMEPerson's employer. You can access the employer home page by clicking on the employer name.No
GenderGENDER_CODEPerson's gender.No
Special InterestSPECIAL_INTEREST_CODEThis field signifies whether the person has a low priority special interest, a medium priority special interest, or a high priority special interest. For example, a person with a history of violence should be given a high level of special interest.No
Date of BirthCURAM_DATEPerson's birth date.No
Date of Birth VerifiedCURAM_INDICATORSelect the verification box once you have received the proper evidence of the person's birth date.No
Date of DeathCURAM_DATEPerson's death date.No
Date of Death VerifiedCURAM_INDICATORSelect the verification box once you have received the proper evidence of the person's death date.No
Number of ChildrenNUMBER_OF_CHILDRENThe number of children the person has. You can access the person's list of relationships by clicking on the appropriate number link.No
Country/Region of BirthCOUNTRY_CODEPerson's country or region of birth.No
Mothers Birth Last NameMOTHER_BIRTH_SURNAMEPerson's mother's birth last name.No
Preferred CommunicationCOMMUNICATION_METHOD_CODEPerson's preferred communication.No
Preferred Public OfficePUBLIC_OFFICE_NAMEName of the public office most convenient for the person.No
Ethnic OriginETHNIC_ORIGIN_CODEPerson's ethnic origin.No
Registration DateCURAM_DATEPerson's registration date within the organization.No
RaceRACE_TAB_LISTThis field displays the person's race. An individual may belong to one or more races and multiple races are shown as comma-separated values.No
Place of BirthPLACE_OF_BIRTHPerson's place of birth. This place can be a city, town, state, hospital, etc.No
Indigenous GroupINDIGENOUS_TAB_LISTThis field displays one or more indigenous groups associated with the person.No
Payment FrequencyFREQUENCY_PATTERNFrequency indicating how often payment is issued to the person.No
CurrencyCURRENCY_CODEPerson's currency No
Next Payment DateCURAM_DATENext date on which the payment is due to be issued to the person.No
Method Of PaymentMETHOD_OF_DELIVERY_CODEThis field allows you to select which payment method, e.g., check, cash, or EFT should be used to pay the person.No
StatusCONCERN_ROLE_STATUS_CODEStatus of the person's record. The status is active until the person's Date of Death. On and after this "death date", the status is closed.No
SensitivitySENSITIVITY_CODEPerson's sensitivity indicates user access. Each user is assigned a sensitivity level on the system. In order for a user to access and/or modify the person's details, that user must have a sensitivity level equal to or higher than the person's sensitivity level.No
NationalityNATIONALITY_CODEPerson's nationality.No
Links and Actions
Page Level Actions
CloseThe Close action dismisses the page.
Special CautionThis Special Caution action allows you to view a list of special cautions recorded for a person or participant.When managing a participant, a user may need to document concerns or issues related to that participant that other users should be aware of. These special cautions or alerts can include immediate concerns to be aware of regarding the participant.
Special CautionThis Special Caution action allows you to view a list of special cautions recorded for a person or participant.When managing a participant, a user may need to document concerns or issues related to that participant that other users should be aware of. These special cautions or alerts can include immediate concerns to be aware of regarding the participant.
Special CautionThis Special Caution action allows you to view a list of special cautions recorded for a person or participant.When managing a participant, a user may need to document concerns or issues related to that participant that other users should be aware of. These special cautions or alerts can include immediate concerns to be aware of regarding the participant.
When page is loaded
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
%1s has been marked as a duplicate of %2s.LinkNo
Address header information is missing or invalid.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
Invalid address layout type %1s specified in address header.LinkNo
No security implementation is supported for this transaction type. Please contact an Administrator.LinkNo
The end date of the primary address has passed.LinkNo
The end date of the primary alternative ID has passed.LinkNo
The end date of the primary phone number must not be in the past.LinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
The person has been identified as an indigenous individual. Please select the appropriate indigenous group(s) when known.LinkNo
There is no primary address for this client.LinkNo
There was an error reading the primary address for this client.LinkNo
There was an error reading the primary alternative ID for this client.LinkNo
There was an error reading the primary phone number for this client.LinkNo
When page is submitted
Related Entities
Technical Information
Page IDLegalAction_Personhome
LocationC:\Users\david\dev\src\esystems-inc\Curam_V8_IS\webclient\components\Appeal\LegalAction\Legal Action Case\LegalAction_Personhome.uim
Page Load InterfacePerson.readHomePageDetails, Person.readInformationalMessage, VerificationApplication.listPersonVerificationDetails
Page Submit Interface
Linked From PagesView Legal Action (LegalAction_viewLegalAction)