This page allows you to see all the milestone to product delivery. Milestones are significant events or tasks that are to be completed during the life cycle of a product delivery. Milestones can be used to represent activities which occur during the life cycle of the product delivery, e.g. reviews which are conducted or communications which are sent to a plan participant Milestones can be used to facilitate these activities.
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Page Flow Diagram
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NameMILESTONE_NAMEName of the milestone, e.g., "2 week review", "status letter".No
TypeMILESTONE_TYPEMilestone type, e.g., "letter", "communication".No
Expected Start DateCURAM_DATEThe date on which this milestone is expected to become effective.No
Expected End DateCURAM_DATEThe date on which this milestone is expected to expire.No
Actual Start DateCURAM_DATEThe actual date on which the milestone becomes effective.No
Actual End DateCURAM_DATEThe actual date on which the milestone expires.No
StatusMILESTONE_STATUS_CODEThe status of the milestone, e.g., "In Progress".No
Links and Actions
Row Level Actions
EditClick the Edit link on the appropriate row to modify the milestone record.
EditClick the Edit link on the appropriate row to modify the milestone record.
Request WaiverYou can press the Waiver button to create a waiver request for a milestone.
DeleteYou can press the Delete button to delete the information displayed.
Expanded Row
When page is loaded
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
%1s %2s %3s %4sLinkNo
An entity identifier cannot be null.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
More than entity of type '%1s' with key value '%2s' found in the cache.LinkNo
No database access is allowed at this point.LinkNo
No security implementation is supported for this transaction type. Please contact an Administrator.LinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
When page is submitted
Related Entities
Technical Information
Page IDInsuranceAffordability_listAllMilestones
Page Load InterfaceMilestoneDelivery.listAllMilestone
Page Submit Interface
Linked From PagesMilestones (InsuranceAffordability_listUncompletedMilestones)