This page allows you to view decision details recorded in the system.
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DecisionCURAM_INDICATORIndicates whether or not the household is eligible for the program relating to the decision details. For eligible decisions, a yes decision is automatically displayed.No
StatusCASE_DECISION_STATUS_CODEStatus of the decision. This status is current for decisions based on the current evidence. For decisions based on evidence that is no longer current, the status is superseded.No
Effective FromCURAM_DATEStart date of the period during which the decision details are valid.No
Effective ToCURAM_DATEEnd date of the period during which the decision details are valid.No
ReasonCASE_DECINIT_REASON_CODEDecision reason. For decision details pertaining to screening eligibility, the reason displayed is Result of Per-Release Case Adjudication.No
NameDESCRIPTIONObjective name.No
TypeRULES_TAG_TYPE_CODEObjective type.No
ValueRULES_OBJECTIVE_VALUEObjective value.No
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View All RulesPress the View All Rules link to view the rules in an expandable/collapsible tree view.
When page is loaded
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
Business Process class %1s for product of type %2c is not assignable to type %3s.LinkNo
Exception instantiating hook for product of type %1c : %2s.LinkNo
No RuleSet could be found for Product %1s.LinkNo
No rules were present for this product for the calculation date %1d.LinkNo
Person RecordLinkNo
Prospect RecordLinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
When page is submitted
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Technical Information
Page IDIncomeSupportScreening_viewDecisionDetails
Page Load InterfaceCase.readAssessmentCaseDecision
Page Submit Interface
Linked From PagesScreening Result: (IncomeSupportScreening_viewEligibilityResult)