Search Criteria |
Label | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Social Security Number | ALTERNATE_ID | Person's social security number. Note that for persons registered as part of Cúram's income support screening process, you can search for the person via a social security number. Note also that the person's social security number is the person's reference number on the system. | No |
First Name | FIRST_FORENAME | Person's first name. | No |
Date of Birth | CURAM_DATE | Person's birth date. | No |
Gender | GENDER_CODE | Person's gender. | No |
Address Line 1 | ADDRESS_ELEMENT_VALUE | First line of the person's address. | No |
City | ADDRESS_ELEMENT_VALUE | Town or city of the person's address. | No |
Birth Last Name | PERSON_BIRTH_NAME | Person's birth last name, only relevant if person's birth last name is different than person's current last name. | No |
Mother's Birth Name | MOTHER_BIRTH_SURNAME | Person's mother's birth last name. | No |
Last Name |
Label | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Last Name | SURNAME | | No |
Soundex | CURAM_INDICATOR | You can search for members with last names that sound like a last name entered on the Search | No |
Search Results |
Label | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Social Security Number | ALTERNATE_ID | Person's social security number. Note that for persons registered as part of Cúram's income support screening process, you can search for the person via a social security number. Note also that the person's social security number is the person's reference number on the system. | No |
First Name | FIRST_FORENAME | Person's first name. | No |
Last Name | SURNAME | Person's last name. | No |
City | ADDRESS_ELEMENT_VALUE | Town or city of the person's address. | No |
Date Of Birth | CURAM_DATE | Person's birth date. | No |
Action |
Label | Type | Description | Mandatory |