This page allows you to view a list of the events recorded in the system.
Page Preview
Page Flow Diagram
Click the diagram to manipulate and zoom. Traverse the diagram using Click-and-Drag motions. Fullscreen
Case ReferenceCASE_REFERENCECase reference number the activity relates to. You can view the case home page by clicking on the case reference number.No
EventCASE_EVENT_TYPE_CODEEvent subject.No
Start DateCURAM_DATEStart date and time of the activity.No
End DateCURAM_DATEEnd date and time of the activity.No
StatusCASE_EVENT_STATUS_CODEThe status is "active", unless the record has been deleted, in which case, the status is "canceled".No
Links and Actions
Page Level Actions
Create ActivityPress the Create Activity button to create a new activity record.
Create AppealPress the Create Appeal button to create a new appeal.
Create Recurring ActivityPress the Create Recurring Activity button to create a new recurring activity record.
Create ReviewPress the Create Review button to create a new review.
EditClick the Edit link on the appropriate row to modify the event record.
ViewClick the View link on the appropriate row to view the event record.
View CalendarPress the View Calendar button to view calendar record.
When page is loaded
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
%1s %2s %3s %4sLinkNo
An entity identifier cannot be null.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
A row identifier cannot be null.LinkNo
Cannot instantiate Meeting Attendee implementation for type %1c.LinkNo
More than entity of type '%1s' with key value '%2s' found in the cache.LinkNo
No database access is allowed at this point.LinkNo
no email address recordedLinkNo
No row manager set which contains the optimistic lock.LinkNo
No security implementation is supported for this transaction type. Please contact an Administrator.LinkNo
Person RecordLinkNo
Prospect RecordLinkNo
System configuration error - Unable to retrieve system user details from the database. Please contact your system administrator.LinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
The maximum number of records allowed to be returned for this operation has been exceeded.LinkNo
You do not have the view rights for this activity.Please contact your security administrator.LinkNo
When page is submitted
Related Entities
Technical Information
Page IDIncomeSupportScreening_listEvent
Page Load InterfaceIncomeSupportScreening.listEvent
Page Submit Interface
Linked From PagesEvents (IncomeSupportScreening_calendar)