This page allows you to view a member sanction record. A sanction is a penalty that is imposed on a household member who fails to comply with program requirements. In general, sanctions are imposed on the household member for the period of time that the household member does not comply with the program requirements. For example, if a household member violates a condition of federal or state parole, that household member is ineligible for the Food Assistance (US) and Cash Assistance (US) programs for the period of time the parole violation occurs.
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Sanction Details
ProgramISP_SANCTION_PROGRAMUnder which Program household member is being sanctioned, e.g., Cash Assistance.No
Sanction ReasonISP_SANCTION_REASONReason household member is being sanctioned, e.g., Drug Related Conviction or Intentional Program Violation. The sanction reason defines the restrictions imposed on the household member. For example, a household member sanctioned for a drug conviction is ineligible for the Food Assistance (US) and Cash Assistance (US) programs.No
Sanction LevelISP_SANCTION_LEVELHousehold member sanction level. For certain sanctions, the sanction level determines the length of time the sanction restrictions are imposed on the household member. For example, a household member sanctioned for an intentional program violation (IPV) is ineligible for the Food Assistance (US) and Cash Assistance (US) programs. If the IPV sanction is the first level, the member is disqualified for 6 months. If the IPV sanction is the second level, the member is disqualified for 12 months. If the IPV sanction is the third level, the member is disqualified permanently. For information on IPV Sanction rules, see Section 12.5, Sanction Rules for IPV. Note that the system automatically increases the sanction level where applicable. For example, if the system determines that a household member is to be sanctioned for IPV and that same household member has a prior first level IPV sanction, the system automatically increases the IPV sanction to the second level.No
StatusRECORD_STATUS_CODEThe status is "active", unless the record has been deleted, in which case, the status is "canceled".No
Start DateCURAM_DATEStart date of the period during which the household member is sanctioned. The default start date for system generated sanctions is the date the member's violation is discovered during the assessment of household evidence. For information on system generated sanctions.No
End DateCURAM_DATEEnd date of the period during which the household member is sanctioned. The default end date for system generated sanctions is based on the sanction reason and sanction level. For drug related conviction sanctions, there is no default end date as household members with drug convictions are considered ineligible for Food Assistance (US) and Cash Assistance (US) for an indefinite time period. For first level IPV sanctions, the default end date is set to 6 months after the start date; for second level IPV sanctions, the default end date is 12 months after the start date.No
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Technical Information
Page IDISP_viewSanctionEvidence
Page Load InterfaceCaseMember.readSanction
Page Submit Interface
Linked From PagesResource Transfer Sanction Details: (ISP_listResourceTransferSanctionEvidence)