This page allows you to view the current Medical Assistance eligibility result for the household. It displays a list of Medical Assistance programs for which the household members are currently eligible. The first time Medical Assistance eligibility is determined for a household, all eligible programs are available for selection as the household is not in receipt of any Medical Assistance programs. Subsequently when eligibility is checked, any programs for which the household is currently eligible for and in receipt of are displayed but are unavailable for selection. "In receipt of a program" is defined as a product delivery with a status other than "closed". "Currently eligible" means the household are eligible for the program on the day the rules are executed. In addition to these programs, any programs for which the household are eligible but are not receiving are also displayed. These programs cannot be selected as they conflict with the Medical Assistance program which the household is currently receiving. For example, James Smith is eligible for Low Income Families with Children (LIFC) in two possible assistance units. As he is currently receiving LIFC under the first assistance unit, he cannot select to apply for the second option. To proceed with the second option, the LIFC product delivery case must be closed and eligibility checked again. Any programs which the household is found ineligible for on the day the rules are executed will not be displayed. |