Intake Received Details |
Label | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Application Date: | CURAM_DATE | Date the application was received. | No |
Received Method: | INTAKE_APPLICATION_METHOD | Method of application. Applications can be submitted over the phone, online, in person, or by paper. | No |
Please select one or more programs for the application |
Label | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Program(s) Applied For: | ISP_STRING | You can choose one or more programs for the application. | No |
Emergency: | CURAM_INDICATOR | If the application is for emergency assistance, further information can be added here. | No |
Expedited Food Assistance: | CURAM_INDICATOR | If the application is for Expedited Food Assistance, further information can be added here. | No |
Emergency |
Label | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Homeless: | CURAM_INDICATOR | Select the Homeless selection box if the applicant is homeless. | No |
Help with a mortgage payment to prevent foreclosure: | CURAM_INDICATOR | Select the Help with a mortgage payment to prevent foreclosure selection box if the applicant requires help with a mortgage payment to prevent foreclosure. | No |
Help with paying rent to prevent eviction: | CURAM_INDICATOR | Select the Help with paying rent to prevent eviction selection box if the applicant requires assistance in paying rent to prevent eviction. | No |
Help with a utility payment to prevent shutoff: | CURAM_INDICATOR | Select the Help with a utility payment to prevent shutoff selection box if the applicant requires help with a utility payment to prevent shutoff. | No |
Help with legal services to prevent eviction: | CURAM_INDICATOR | Select the Help with legal services to prevent eviction selection box if the applicant requires help with legal services to prevent eviction. | No |
Expedited Food Assistance |
Label | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Total amount of money household received this month: | ISP_CURAM_AMOUNT | The total amount of money the applicant's household received this month. | No |
Total household cash and savings: | ISP_CURAM_AMOUNT | Total amount of the applicant's household cash and savings. | No |
Total monthly housing costs(rent/mortgage): | ISP_CURAM_AMOUNT | Total monthly housing costs(rent/mortgage) of the applicant's household. | No |
Total monthly utility costs(heat, electricity, phone, water): | ISP_CURAM_AMOUNT | Total monthly utility costs(heat, electricity, phone, water) of the applicant. | No |
Is anyone in the household a migrant or seasonal farm worker? | YES_NO_CODE | If one or more members of the household are migrant or seasonal workers "yes" is displayed, otherwise "no". | No |
Did this household member's job recently end? | YES_NO_CODE | If the household member's job recently ended "yes" will be displayed, otherwise "no". | No |
Did the only income received for the month of application end before today? | YES_NO_CODE | If the only income received for the month of application ended before today "yes" is displayed, otherwise "no". | No |
Will this household member receive $25 or less income from a new employer within 10 days? | YES_NO_CODE | If the household member will receive $25 or less from an employer within 10 days "yes" is displayed, otherwise "no". | No |
Does this household member's liquid resources (such as cash on hand, checking/savings) total $100 or less? | YES_NO_CODE | If the household member's liquid resources (such as cash on hand, checking/savings) total $100 or less "yes" is displayed, otherwise "no". | No |
Special Needs |
Label | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Interpreter at interview: | CURAM_INDICATOR | If an interpreter is required at the interview "yes" is displayed, otherwise "no". | No |
Language: | LANGUAGE_CODE | Selected language from the list of languages. Your system administrator can add a language to the list of list of languages via the Code Tables page (see "Code Tables" in the Cúram Administration Guide). | No |
Special Assistance: | CURAM_INDICATOR | If special assistance is required, "yes" is displayed, otherwise "no". | No |
Special Assistance Requirements: | COMMENTS | Free text box where you can enter any further special assistance requirements the applicant may have. | No |
Communication |
Label | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Preferred Communication: | COMMUNICATION_METHOD_CODE | Applicant's preferred communication from the list of communication methods. Your system administrator can add a communication method to the list of preferred communications via the Code Tables page (see "Code Tables" in the Cúram Administration Guide). | No |
Available Times for Interview |
Label | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Date: | CURAM_DATE | Date the applicant is to attend the interview. | No |
Time: | TIMESLOT_CODE | Time the applicant is to attend the interview.: | No |
Date: | CURAM_DATE | Date the applicant is to attend the interview. | No |
Time: | TIMESLOT_CODE | Time the applicant is to attend the interview.: | No |
Date: | CURAM_DATE | Date the applicant is to attend the interview. | No |
Time: | TIMESLOT_CODE | Time the applicant is to attend the interview.: | No |
Attach Application |
Label | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Current Attached File |
Label | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Attached File |
Label | Type | Description | Mandatory |
File Details |
Label | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Location: | FILE_LOCATION | Physical location of the associated file. | No |
Reference: | FILE_REFERENCE_NUMBER | Reference information regarding the application file physical file. | No |
Document Type: | DOCUMENT_TYPE_CODE | Document type from the list of Document types. Your system administrator can add a document type to the list of document types via the Code Tables page (see "Code Tables" in the Cúram Administration Guide). | No |
Comments |
Label | Type | Description | Mandatory |
Comments | COMMENTS | | No |