This page lists the application resources on the system. The Resource Store is a new area of the infrastructure database which is used to store resources used in a live application. Resources can be of any type but the most common used by IEG are images and properties file resources
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NameRESOURCENAMEThe name of the application resource. This is independent of the locale and the file name and provides a logical name for a resource that is valid for all locales.No
LocaleRESOURCE_LOCALEThe locale of the resource. Only resources with locales for which the application has been configured, or that act as fall-back locales for the application's locales, will be used. If the locale is empty, the resource may be used as a fall back if a resource for a specific locale cannot be found.No
Content TypeRESOURCE_CONTENT_TYPEThe content type (MIME type) for the resource. This identifies how the binary resource content should be interpreted.No
Filter Criteria
CategoryRESOURCE_CATEGORY_CODESelect a category to use as a search criteria.No
Links and Actions
Page Level Actions
Add ResourceClick the Add Resource link to add a new application resource.
PublishClick the Publish link to publish the changes made.
SearchClick the Search button to search for resources based on the specified category.
Row Level Actions
EditClick on the Edit button to edit the details of an application resource record.
DownloadClick on the Download button to download the details of an application resource record.
DeleteClick on the Delete button to delete the application resource record.
Expanded Row
Related Entities
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When page is submitted
Technical Information
Page IDIEG2_listAllResourcesByCategory
Page Load Interface
Page Submit InterfaceResourceAdmin.readResourcesByCategory
Linked From PagesApplication Resources (IEG2_listAllResourcesByCategory), Delete (System_deleteResource)