This page allows you to view a suspense account payment. When a payment is received from an unknown source, that payment is recorded in a suspense account until the organization can determine who the payment is from. Payments received in a suspense account can later be transferred to a person or employer's account.
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MethodMETHOD_OF_RECEIPT_CODEMethod of the payment received, e.g., check or cash.No
Foreign CurrencyFOREIGN_CURRENCY_TEXTCurrency of the payment received if that currency differs from the organization's base currency.No
Check NumberCHEQUE_NUMBERCheck number of check receipt, if payment received method is via check.No
Ledger NumberLEDGER_NUMBERLedger number of cash receipt, if payment received method is via cash.No
Receipt NumberRECEIPT_NUMBERReceipt number of the payment received.No
Deposit Slip NumberDEPOSIT_SLIP_NUMBERDeposit slip number, if payments are received and deposited in an organization bank account.No
Origin Sort CodeBANK_ACCOUNT_BANK_SORT_CODESort code of origin bank account, if method of the payment received is via a bank transfer, e.g. EFT.No
Origin Account NumberBANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBERAccount number of original bank account, if the method of the payment received is via a bank transfer, e.g. EFT.No
Destination Account NameBANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBERAccount name of the destination bank account for the payment received. No
Destination Account NumberBANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBERAccount number of bank account for a payment received that is recorded in a suspense account and may be destined toward a specific bank account.No
Destination Sort CodeBANK_ACCOUNT_BANK_SORT_CODESort code of the destination bank branch for the payment received. No
Date PostedCURAM_DATEDate the suspense account payment is posted.No
NameISSUER_NAMEName of the issuer of the suspense account payment.No
AddressADDRESS_FORMATTED_DATAAddress of the issuer of the suspense account payment.No
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MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
Address header information is missing or invalid.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
Invalid address layout type %1s specified in address header.LinkNo
Invalid Currency Exchange Rate value %1s for Currency type %2s.LinkNo
When page is submitted
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Technical Information
Page IDFinancial_viewSuspenseAccountItemDetail
LocationC:\Users\david\dev\src\esystems-inc\Curam_V8_IS\webclient\components\core\Financials\Suspense Account\View Details\Financial_viewSuspenseAccountItemDetail.uim
Page Load InterfaceFinancial.readSuspenseAccount
Page Submit Interface
Linked From PagesFinancial_suspenseAccountSearch