This page allows you to view the external users home page. An external user is a user who is not a member of the organization structure. A user is an individual member of the organization. Users are assigned positions for an organization structure. For example, the user, J Smith, is assigned to a position called, Social Worker 1, which is a position for the active organization structure.
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NameUSER_FULL_NAMEThe First Name and Surname of the External UserNo
User NameSEC_USERNAMEThe User name of the External User (used for Security Purposes)No
ApplicationAPPLICATION_CODEThe name of the Application which is accessed by the External UserNo
SensitivitySENSITIVITY_CODEThe User Sensitivity levelNo
StatusRECORD_STATUS_CODEThe current status of the User e.g. ActiveNo
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Technical Information
Page IDExternalUser_userHomeTabDetails
Page Load InterfaceAdminTab.readExternalUserTabDetails
Page Submit Interface
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