This page allows you to view the external users home page. An external user is a user who is not a member of the organization structure. A user is an individual member of the organization. Users are assigned positions for an organization structure. For example, the user, J Smith, is assigned to a position called, Social Worker 1, which is a position for the active organization structure.
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First NameUSER_FIRST_FORENAMEThe user's first name.No
SurnameUSER_SURNAMEThe user's surname.No
Creation DateCURAM_DATEDate on which the user is created on the system.No
StatusRECORD_STATUS_CODEThe status is "active", unless the record has been deleted, in which case, the status is "canceled".No
SensitivitySENSITIVITY_CODEUser's sensitivity level. This sensitivity indicates a user's data based security access level. Each user, participant, work queue, and note on the system is assigned a sensitivity level. In order for a user to have access to specific user, participant, or note fields, that user must have a sensitivity level equal to or higher than the sensitivity level of the participant, user, or note. For example if a user with a sensitivity level of 3 wanted to modify another user's email address, the other user's sensitivity level must be equal to or less than 3. Work queue sensitivity indicates whether or not a user can add himself or herself to a work queue. In order for a user to add himself or herself to a work queue, that user must have a sensitivity level equal to or higher than sensitivity level of the work queue.No
User NameSEC_USERNAMEThe user's system username, e.g., JSmith.No
Role SEC_ROLE_NAMEUser's security role. You can access the security role's view page by clicking on the security role.No
ApplicationAPPLICATION_CODEA user's application identity designates the area of Cúram the user accesses when logging into the system.No
Login RestrictionsBOOLEAN_TYPEThis field indicates whether the user's access to the system is restricted to certain access periods. A 'Yes' value indicates that the user's access is restricted to certain access periods.No
Login FailuresSEC_LOGIN_FAILURESNumber of login failures this user has had.No
Password Expiry (Days)SEC_PASSWORD_EXPIRYThe number of days after a password has been changed before it expires.No
Password Expires OnCURAM_DATENext date on which the user will be forced to renew their password.No
Password Expiry (Logins)SEC_PASSWORD_EXPIRYThe number of logins after a password has been changed before it expires.No
Password Expiry (Remaining Logins)SEC_PASSWORD_EXPIRYThe number of logins remaining before the user's password expires.No
Account Expiry DateCURAM_DATEDate on which the user's password expires as set by an administrator.No
Account Enabled
Account EnabledBOOLEAN_TYPENo
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Technical Information
Page IDExternalUser_userHome
Page Load InterfaceExternalUserAccess.readUser
Page Submit Interface
Linked From PagesNew External User (ExternalUser_createUser), ExternalUsers_userSearch, ProviderManagement_viewProviderEnquiry