This page allows you to modify a user from home. A user is an individual member of the organization. Users are assigned positions for an organization structure. For example, the user, J Smith, is assigned to a position called, Social Worker 1, which is a position for the active organization structure.
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First NameUSER_FIRST_FORENAMEUser's first name.Yes
Last NameUSER_SURNAMEUser's last name.Yes
Creation DateCURAM_DATEDate the user is entered on the system cannot be modified.No
StatusRECORD_STATUS_CODEThe status of the user record.No
SensitivitySENSITIVITY_CODEUser sensitivity level from the drop-down list of number values. This sensitivity indicates a user's data based security access. Each user, participant, work queue, and note on the system is assigned a sensitivity level. In order for a user to have access to specific user, participant, or note fields, that user must have a sensitivity level equal to or higher than the sensitivity level of the participant, user, or note. For example if a user with a sensitivity level of 3 wanted to modify another user's email address, the other user's sensitivity level must be equal to or less than 3. Work queue sensitivity indicates whether or not a user can add himself or herself to a work queue. In order for a user to add himself or herself to a work queue, that user must have a sensitivity level equal to or higher than sensitivity level of the work queue.Yes
Role NameSEC_ROLE_NAMEUser's security role. A user's security role determines the user's security access. To select the user's security role, press the Search button provided to open the Security Roles pop-up window. Click the Select link on the appropriate row from the list of security roles displayed. You can add a new security role via the Security roles page.Yes
New PasswordSEC_PASSWORDSecurity password for the user. The user enters this password when logging into the system.No
Confirm PasswordSEC_PASSWORDConfirmation of the user's password to ensure that it has been entered correctly.No
ApplicationAPPLICATION_CODEUser's application identity from the drop-down list of application identities. A user's application identity designates the area of Cúram the user accesses when logging into the system.No
Password Expires (Days)SEC_PASSWORD_EXPIRYNumber of days after which the password expires. Each time the password is updated, the system automatically extends the password expiration date by this number of days until the account expiry date.No
Password Expires (Logins)SEC_PASSWORD_EXPIRYNumber of logins after which the password expires. Each time the password is updated, the system automatically reduces the password expiration logins by one.No
Account Expires OnCURAM_DATEDate on which the user's password expires as set by the administrator.No
Account Enabled
Account EnabledBOOLEAN_TYPENo
Access Periods
Set Access PeriodsBOOLEAN_TYPEIf the user's system access is restricted, select the Set Access Periods selection box. If you do not select this box, the user has unlimited system access.No
MondayBOOLEAN_TYPEIf the user's system access is restricted, you must select the day(s) on which the user is permitted to log into the system. Select the Monday selection box to indicate that the user is permitted to log into the system on Mondays.No
TuesdayBOOLEAN_TYPEIf the user's system access is restricted, you must select the day(s) on which the user is permitted to log into the system. Select the Tuesday selection box to indicate that the user is permitted to log into the system on Tuesdays.No
WednesdayBOOLEAN_TYPEIf the user's system access is restricted, you must select the day(s) on which the user is permitted to log into the system. Select the Wednesday selection box to indicate that the user is permitted to log into the system on Wednesdays.No
ThursdayBOOLEAN_TYPEIf the user's system access is restricted, you must select the day(s) on which the user is permitted to log into the system. Select the Thursday selection box to indicate that the user is permitted to log into the system on Thursdays.No
FridayBOOLEAN_TYPEIf the user's system access is restricted, you must select the day(s) on which the user is permitted to log into the system. Select the Friday selection box to indicate that the user is permitted to log into the system on Fridays.No
SaturdayBOOLEAN_TYPEIf the user's system access is restricted, you must select the day(s) on which the user is permitted to log into the system. Select the Saturday selection box to indicate that the user is permitted to log into the system on Saturdays.No
SundayBOOLEAN_TYPEIf the user's system access is restricted, you must select the day(s) on which the user is permitted to log into the system. Select the Sunday selection box to indicate that the user is permitted to log into the system on Sundays.No
FromCURAM_TIMEStart time of the period during which the user is permitted to log into the system. The user is only permitted to log into the system during this time period and according to the user's set access period.No
ToCURAM_TIMEEnd time of the period during which the user is permitted to log into the system. The user is only permitted to log into the system during this time period and according to the user's set access period.No
Links and Actions
Page Level Actions
CancelThe Cancel action dismisses the page.
SaveThe Save action updates the record using the information entered on the page.
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MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
A user must have a role. Please select a valid role.LinkNo
A user must have a username. Please enter a valid username.LinkNo
Login Time From must be before Login Time To.LinkNo
The account expiry date must be later than today. Please enter a later date.LinkNo
The encryption of the password failed it is either too long or your system is improperly configured.LinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
The number of logins after which the password expires cannot be negative.LinkNo
The Password field and the Confirm Password field contain different values.LinkNo
The Password field cannot be empty. Please enter a password.LinkNo
This user cannot have a greater sensitivity value than you.LinkNo
User name cannot be empty. Please enter first name and surname.LinkNo
When an Access Period has been entered Set Access Periods must be checked.LinkNo
When Set Access Periods is checked at least one Access Period must be entered.LinkNo
When Set Access Periods is checked Login Time To must be entered.LinkNo
You cannot modify this record as it has been deleted.LinkNo
You must enter a sensitivity value.LinkNo
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Technical Information
Page IDExternalUser_modifyUserFromHome
Page Load InterfaceExternalUserAccess.readUser
Page Submit InterfaceExternalUserAccess.modifyUser
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