This page allows you to create an external user participant link. An external user participant link allows you to record details of participants that an external user has access to. These links must be registered by administrators on the system. Participant links are used by the external application to allow an external user to view a specific subset of participant details.
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Page Flow Diagram
Click the diagram to manipulate and zoom. Traverse the diagram using Click-and-Drag motions. Fullscreen
External User's RelationshipEXTERNAL_USER_PART_REL_TYPEThis is the external user's relationship to the linked participant.No
Select ParticipantPERSON_IDThis is the unique identifier for the linked entity.No
Links and Actions
Page Level Actions
CancelThe Cancel action dismisses the page.
SaveThe Save action creates a new record from the information entered on the page.
When page is loaded
When page is submitted
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
A user account of type %1c already exists for participant %2s.LinkNo
No security implementation is supported for this transaction type. Please contact an Administrator.LinkNo
Person must be selected.LinkNo
Related Entities
When page is loaded
When page is submitted
Technical Information
Page IDExternalUser_createLinkedParticipant
Page Load InterfaceExternalUserAccess.getContext
Page Submit InterfaceExternalUserParticipantAccess.createParticipantLink
Linked From Pages