This page allows you to view a list of external party office phone numbers. A phone number is a contact number relevant to an external party office, e.g., business or mobile.
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PrimaryCURAM_INDICATORThis field indicates whether or not the phone number is the external party office's primary phone number. Do not select this box if the phone number is subsidiary. By default, the first phone number you create for an external party office is the external party office primary phone number. If you create additional phone numbers you can set one of the new phone number to be the primary phone number.No
TypePHONE_TYPE_CODEExternal party office phone number type, e.g., business, personal.No
Area CodePHONE_AREA_CODEPhone number area code.No
Phone NumberPHONE_NUMBERExternal party office phone number.No
ExtensionPHONE_EXTENSIONExternal party office phone number extension.No
Start DateCURAM_DATEDate from which the phone number is valid.No
End DateCURAM_DATEDate until which the phone number is valid.No
StatusRECORD_STATUS_CODEThe status is "active", unless the record has been deleted, in which case, the status is "canceled".No
Links and Actions
In Page Navigation
AddressesThe Office Address.
DetailsThe places from which an external party offers its services.
Office MembersThe Office Members.
Phone NumbersThe Office Phone numbers.
Row Level Actions
EditClick the Edit link on the appropriate row to modify the external party office phone number details.
DeleteClick the Delete link on the appropriate row to delete the external party office phone number details.
Expanded Row
When page is loaded
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
When page is submitted
Related Entities
When page is loaded
When page is submitted
Technical Information
Page IDExternalParty_listOfficePhoneNumber
Page Load InterfaceExternalParty.listOfficePhoneNumber
Page Submit Interface
Linked From PagesOffice Addresses (ExternalParty_listOfficeAddress), Office Members (ExternalParty_listOfficeMember), Office Phone Numbers (ExternalParty_listOfficePhoneNumber), View External Party Office (ExternalParty_viewExternalPartyOffice)