This page allows you to review identical incoming evidence which may have been added or modified on another case. After examining the changed evidence, you can select to accept or reject the evidence.
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Page Flow Diagram
Click the diagram to manipulate and zoom. Traverse the diagram using Click-and-Drag motions. Fullscreen
TypeEVIDENCE_TYPE_CODEIncoming evidence type, e.g., Sporting Sponsorship.No
ParticipantCONCERN_ROLE_NAMECase participant for whom the evidence is recorded.No
DescriptionEVIDENCE_SUMMARY_LOCALSummary description of the evidence.No
PeriodLOCALIZED_MESSAGEThis indicates the period of time for which the evidence is applicable.No
EventEVIDENCEEVENTDESCThe event type of incoming evidence. Event type would be 'New' if incoming evidence is because evidence creation, it would be 'Updated' is if incoming evidence is because evidence update.No
SourceCONTEXT_DESCRIPTIONSource case from which incoming evidence is been created. No
TypeEVIDENCE_TYPE_CODEIncoming evidence type, e.g., Sporting Sponsorship.No
ParticipantCONCERN_ROLE_NAMECase participant for whom the evidence is recorded.No
DescriptionEVIDENCE_SUMMARY_LOCALSummary description of the evidence.No
PeriodLOCALIZED_MESSAGEThis indicates the period of time for which the evidence is applicable.No
EventEVIDENCEEVENTDESCThe event type of incoming evidence. Event type would be 'New' if incoming evidence is because evidence creation, it would be 'Updated' is if incoming evidence is because evidence update.No
SourceCONTEXT_DESCRIPTIONSource case from which incoming evidence is been created. No
TypeEVIDENCE_TYPE_CODEIncoming evidence type, e.g., Sporting Sponsorship.No
ParticipantCONCERN_ROLE_NAMECase participant for whom the evidence is recorded.No
DescriptionEVIDENCE_SUMMARY_LOCALSummary description of the evidence.No
PeriodLOCALIZED_MESSAGEThis indicates the period of time for which the evidence is applicable.No
EventEVIDENCEEVENTDESCThe event type of incoming evidence. Event type would be 'New' if incoming evidence is because evidence creation, it would be 'Updated' is if incoming evidence is because evidence update.No
SourceCONTEXT_DESCRIPTIONSource case from which incoming evidence is been created. No
TypeEVIDENCE_TYPE_CODEIncoming evidence type, e.g., Sporting Sponsorship.No
ParticipantCONCERN_ROLE_NAMECase participant for whom the evidence is recorded.No
DescriptionEVIDENCE_SUMMARY_LOCALSummary description of the evidence.No
PeriodLOCALIZED_MESSAGEThis indicates the period of time for which the evidence is applicable.No
EventEVIDENCEEVENTDESCThe event type of incoming evidence. Event type would be 'New' if incoming evidence is because evidence creation, it would be 'Updated' is if incoming evidence is because evidence update.No
SourceCONTEXT_DESCRIPTIONSource case from which incoming evidence is been created. No
Links and Actions
In Page Navigation
Accept AllThe Accept All action accepts all incoming evidence onto the case in process.
IdenticalDisplays list identical incoming evidences screen.
Non-IdenticalDisplays list non identical incoming evidences screen.
Open in New TabOpens the list identical incoming evidence screen on new Evidence tab.
Reject AllThe Reject All action rejects all incoming evidence.
Row Level Actions
CompareYou can click the Compare link to compare the selected evidence record to the existing evidence on this case. For identical evidence, this will be evidence of the same type as the selected evidence record.
CompareYou can click the Compare link to compare the selected evidence record to the existing evidence on this case. For identical evidence, this will be evidence of the same type as the selected evidence record.
AcceptThe Accept action accepts the selected incoming evidence onto the case in process.
RejectThe Accept action accepts the selected incoming evidence onto the case in process.
View Verifications
CompareYou can click the Compare link to compare the selected evidence record to the existing evidence on this case. For identical evidence, this will be evidence of the same type as the selected evidence record.
CompareYou can click the Compare link to compare the selected evidence record to the existing evidence on this case. For identical evidence, this will be evidence of the same type as the selected evidence record.
AcceptThe Accept action accepts the selected incoming evidence onto the case in process.
RejectThe Accept action accepts the selected incoming evidence onto the case in process.
View Verifications
CompareYou can click the Compare link to compare the selected evidence record to the existing evidence on this case. For identical evidence, this will be evidence of the same type as the selected evidence record.
CompareYou can click the Compare link to compare the selected evidence record to the existing evidence on this case. For identical evidence, this will be evidence of the same type as the selected evidence record.
AcceptThe Accept action accepts the selected incoming evidence onto the case in process.
RejectThe Accept action accepts the selected incoming evidence onto the case in process.
View Verifications
CompareYou can click the Compare link to compare the selected evidence record to the existing evidence on this case. For identical evidence, this will be evidence of the same type as the selected evidence record.
CompareYou can click the Compare link to compare the selected evidence record to the existing evidence on this case. For identical evidence, this will be evidence of the same type as the selected evidence record.
AcceptThe Accept action accepts the selected incoming evidence onto the case in process.
RejectThe Accept action accepts the selected incoming evidence onto the case in process.
View Verifications
When page is loaded
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
%1c case type not supported.LinkNo
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
Multiple identical sharing configurations for evidence of type '%1c' exist. Please contact your system administrator.LinkNo
No security implementation is supported for this transaction type. Please contact an Administrator.LinkNo
Person RecordLinkNo
Prospect RecordLinkNo
The login ID %1s does not map to a user name.LinkNo
The VerificationController class cannot be found.LinkNo
The VerificationController class cannot be instantiated.LinkNo
When page is submitted
Related Entities
Technical Information
Page IDEvidenceBroker_listIdenticalIncomingEvidenceFromCTPPDCase
Page Load InterfaceEvidenceBroker.listIdenticalIncomingEvidenceWithVerifications
Page Submit Interface
Linked From PagesIncoming Evidence (EvidenceBroker_listIdenticalIncomingEvidenceFromCTPPDCase), Incoming Evidence (EvidenceBroker_listNonIdenticalIncomingEvidenceFromCTPPDCase)