This page allows you to view a Transfer To Individual evidence record.
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Updated OnCURAM_DATETIMEThe date on which the last update was made to the evidence.No
Received DateCURAM_DATEThe date on which the evidence was received.No
Effective Date of ChangeCURAM_DATEDate which the evidence becomes effectiveNo
Change ReasonEVIDENCE_CHANGE_REASONThe reason for the evidence change.No
Approval RequestedCURAM_INDICATORApproval RequestedNo
StatusEVIDENCE_DESCRIPTOR_STATUSThe Status of the evidence.No
Recipient ParticipantFULL_NAMEYou can select the transfer recipient from the drop-down list of case participants. The list of participants includes all household members and existing case participant with the roles of person or representative. For case participants who have not yet been recorded as a transfer recipient, the system automatically creates a case participant role of type "transfer recipient".No
Approval Status
Updated By
Household Member's Ownership Before Transfer Details
Value of OwnershipCURAM_AMOUNTMonetary fair market value of the household member's ownership at the transfer date. The value of this field is provided by the system and cannot be changed. It is calculated from the total fair market value of the resource and the percentage owned by the household member at the time of transfer.No
Resource Ownership Transfer Details
Transfer ReasonEVD_OWNERSHIP_TRANSFER_REASONTransfer reason from the drop-down list of transfer reasons, for example, court ordered.No
Amount ReceivedCURAM_AMOUNTMonetary value of the amount received for the transfer of this ownership.No
Transfer DateCURAM_DATEDate that the ownership transfer occurred.No
Attempted to Regain PossessionCURAM_INDICATORThis indicates whether or not to show that the household member has reasonably tried to regain possession of a resource which has previously been transferred.No
Transfer ValueCURAM_AMOUNTMonetary value of the ownership transferred.No
Legally Binding Document in PlaceCURAM_INDICATORThis indicates if there is a legally binding document in place and to be shown for this transfer.No
Transfer on Behalf of this participantCURAM_INDICATORThis indicates whether or not the ownership of the resource has been transferred by another individual on behalf of the household member who owns the resource.No
Links and Actions
When page is loaded
MessageMessage CatalogConfigurableConfigurable Validation Reference ID
An Exception occurred as the timeout has been reached and the transaction has been rolled back.LinkNo
No security implementation is supported for this transaction type. Please contact an Administrator.LinkNo
When page is submitted
Related Entities
Technical Information
Page IDEVD_viewTransferToIndividualEvidenceSnapshot
Page Load InterfaceEVDEvidenceMaintenance.readTransferToIndividualEvidence
Page Submit Interface
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